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  • Users: GrassClump
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  1. GrassClump

    Mother Hen With Lice

    So one of my hens got broody a few weeks back and I decided to go ahead and let her sit on an egg. To my surprise, the egg actually survived development and pipped yesterday morning. The chick made a bigger hole a few hours ago but stopped making anymore progress so I removed a bit of the...
  2. GrassClump

    Most Docile Breeds?

    I wanna get some flock mates for my White Sultan but I'm unsure of what breeds will be friendly enough for her. Ik Silkies are a good choice but are there any other breeds I should also consider?
  3. GrassClump

    Lysol Pet Disinfectant (safe?)

    So I have this large dog crate I use as a temporary home for sick/injured chickens. I'd like to make sure it's thoroughly disinfected before it's next guest and usually I'd just use a vinegar and water solution but I'm curious if I could use this instead:
  4. GrassClump

    Chicken in shock(?)

    So I have a White Sultan I keep in a little rabbit hutch by herself away from the rest of the flock. For the past few days "we've" been letting our horse in the area we keep the coop and this little hutch. Today we came home and found he had torn the roof off the hutch and my chicken inside...
  5. GrassClump

    White Line on Eyes + Bubbles

    So awhile back my chicken came down with what I at first thought was vent gleek. But then I later made a post about her when her eyes started to bubble and was told to try using this stuff on her eyes to help: At first it seemed like it was helping as here eyes stopped bubbling but then her...
  6. GrassClump

    Safe To Breed Bantam with Reg Hens?

    So I've been lookin' around, and although I've found many threads questioning the possibility of bantam roos breeding with regular chooks, I couldn't find any consistent information about what exactly comes out of this crossing, so why not add another thread to the database 💀👍. A year ago I...
  7. GrassClump

    At first thought it was vent gleet but got worse, eyes bubbling?

    Crackle is an Ameraucana, about a year old, was the heaviest in the flock but she began to feel lighter a few weeks ago. symptoms began to show last week when I first noticed yellowish discharge around her vent, I had another chicken have the same problems awhile back and when I treated her for...
  8. GrassClump

    Skinny Stick Chickens Unknown Breed

    Idk what these two are and I've always been curious. They're both the same age and from a feed store. Edit: They both lay white eggs! Skit: Red:
  9. GrassClump

    Anyone Else Offer Their Chicks a Hut?

    So the first time I ever hatched chicks I bought them a little clear hamster hut and they loved that thing so much so I ended up getting them a bigger guinea pig hut when they out grew the first one. Now chicks grow like weeds so it didn't take them long to out grow the 2nd hut but I still...
  10. GrassClump

    Humidity too low for lockdown?

    Incubator: Nurture Right 360 Lockdown Day: 2 So my incubator has been struggling to keep up with the Texas weather, It's had to fight hot days, cold nights, muggy rain, and now thanks I guess to the cold snap I can't get my humidity to get up to the desired 65% and instead it's just flat lined...
  11. GrassClump

    Okay So Ive Got A Late Egg Now What?

    SO I KINDA GOOFED. I put my eggs is March 19th and figured lock down days would be April 7th-9th, BUT APPARENTLY it's actually starting right now (6th-8th). Now this isn't actually a huge issue bc simple I just raise the humidity and do everything I did last time I hatched eggs. However, now...
  12. GrassClump

    Peculiar Egg While Candling

    EDIT: WRONG NOT DAY 18 ACTUALLY 19 Did my last candling and everything looked okay except this one egg... Ever since day 12 This egg has concerned me because it's air cell never slanted like the rest of the eggs and it wasn't as dark, however it still had visible veins so I let it be. Cut to...
  13. GrassClump

    Need Breed Identification

    #1 Grey Chicken Bought as a chick from feed store, I believe labeled under "rare breeds". I think I might've already posted about this gal once however the images I provided were awful lol. My dad wants to get more of whatever this breed is but in another color bc he likes how fluffy they are...
  14. GrassClump

    Is This a Blood Ring??

    DAY 11 of Incubation: So for the past two days I've been consistently candling egg #3 of my 6 because out of all of them it puzzled me the most (literally couldn't make out squat except a few veins on it). On this particular night however I decided to candle it and take a few photos and what...
  15. GrassClump

    Egg Positioning Question

    So 7 days ago I started incubating 6 eggs. today I candled them to make sure their air cells were the correct size and 3 of them showed good signs 👍although... I soon realized I had put 2 of them facing the wrong direction! context : my incubator states to "put the pointy end twords the...
  16. GrassClump

    Anyone Wanna Give Ducks or Take a Duck? (TX)

    So a few days ago 1 of my 2 ducks mysteriously perished (her death presumably caused by a predator), leaving my drake without a hen and all alone. Now I'm just left with 1 duck and a few options... 1. Rehome him and have no ducks 2. Keep him and just get him some new lady friends or 3...
  17. GrassClump

    Molting or Something More??

    I've recently gotten a White Sultan. She's from some "high quality" breeder in my area and she was given to my uncle (who also raises chickens) as a kind of "tip" for cleaning a coop and she eventually found her way to me. I've never owned a chicken like this before and I've learned quickly...
  18. GrassClump

    Introduction I Suppose

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Im not new to chickens as ive had many backyard flocks but theres still a lot I don't know even after many years. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 14 (3) What breeds do you have? I have a variety of different types (4)...
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