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  • Users: henry19952
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  1. henry19952

    1. Broody hen missing feathers...2. How to identify different birds.

    1. I have a broody hen who has been setting for a little over a month (she wont get up). Today, I noticed large patches of missing feathers under her. I assume that this is ok? 2.I have 7 almost identical Buff orpingtons. Is anything I can do to recognize them better? like some sort of color...
  2. henry19952

    Day 24... can see blood vessels and veins

    I have a hen sitting on 4 fertile eggs. It is now day 24, and I see a large dark area with the air cell at one end. In the mass of darkness, I see blood vessels or veins on the edge of the air cell. I have no clue if this is ok.... there are no peeps coming from the eggs. At what point do I...
  3. henry19952

    Can someone please offer some advice/insight

    I have a broody hen sitting on 4 eggs. I have candled, and I am 100% sure that 3 were fertile on day 14. It is now day 23, and still no pips. It appears they are still alive by the large air sac in the shell. Why are they not hatching? Could the humidity been wrong? They are outside in a nest...
  4. henry19952

    Starting to worry about the eggs under my broody.

    I have a broody Belgian bantam, who is now on her 21st day of setting on 4 eggs, 3 of which I am sure are fertile. (I candled them, and saw development, but just left the dud.) I set them at 10 at night, but there are no pips yet. Should I be worried?
  5. henry19952

    I gave in...

    I went to the feed store this morning to drop of a rooster. As soon as I got out of the car, I heard peeping. I had to look at them. Anyways, I now have 2 new Americaunas (or EE for all you people that get upset when it's not a purebred, certified, licensed, banded, tried and true americaua...
  6. henry19952

    Weird hatching eggs- What will the turn out look like?

    I just had a hen go broody, and so I got eggs from a relative. It is a black silkie rooster and golden laced polish and welsummer hens. Any ideas on how these guys will look?
  7. henry19952

    Show pics of your largest roosters, COMPARED TO SOMETHING

    I have seen bunches of 'giant' chicken pics on here, but I really can't tell the actual size. If possible, I would like to see pics of them next to something comparable, like a yardstick or something! Sometimes I can't tell bantams from giants on here.
  8. henry19952

    Questions about a broody hen.

    1. I have a bantam that just recently went broody. However, she refuses to sit ON the 'eggs' (actually golfballs) in her nest. She just scoots them away from her. If I was to put real fertile eggs under her, would she sit on them? Or is there something wrong with her? Eggbound? 2. How long can...
  9. henry19952

    What to do with lonely Belgian Booted Bantam?!?!

    I had 2 mille fleur Belgian Booted bantam hens, and one was killed yesterday. So one is still in the pen by herself. I have another pen of 10 buff orpingtons. Choice 1- Integrate them all. But will the BO's pick on her? And will she have no 'friends'? Oh, and the BO's are on grower feed, and...
  10. henry19952


    One day, while the chickens were free-ranging around the yard, we left to run a few errands. When we came home, there was a stinky present from one of the chickens, RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LIVING ROOM FLOOR. We also noticed the back door was slightly ajar. How did this happen? Well, my...
  11. henry19952

    Treats and entertainment for chicks?

    What are some things I can give to my 3 week old BO's for treats and entertainment??
  12. henry19952

    What is the best bedding material for chicks? (Cheap and easy)

    I have 16 BO's, and I need a good materail for bedding. I am using papertowels on newspaper, but it's messy. Wood chips can be pricy. What is good and cheap?
  13. henry19952

    Booted Bantams not laying!!!

    I got 3 Booted bantam hens in August, and at the time they were 3 months old. However, I got an ONE egg, and the next day, my neighbors dog got one of them, along with 5 other chickens, and I never got another egg. I am assuming the one that was eaten was the egg layer. I switched them to layers...
  14. henry19952

    Booted Bantams!

    Post pics of your booted bantams!
  15. henry19952

    Craziest mutt contest!!! 3 days!

    Post pictures of odd chickens produced from odd mixes. Load away!
  16. henry19952

    What will a Black silkie roo and a golden laced polish make? Pictures?

    My Aunt has a Black silkie rooster and a golden laced polish hen, and she is considering hatching a few eggs. Any ideas on what this will look like? Anybody have pictures? Please post!
  17. henry19952

    When to move out the chicks?

    I received 16 Buff Orpington hens from Mt. Healthy and they are now 1 1/2 weeks old. We live in North Florida, and the weather varies from the high 70's to low 30's. When is it O.K. to move them out to the the coop (Which is open faced on one side)? THEY ARE MESSY!!!
  18. henry19952

    Post pictures of your 'mutts' produced with Buff Orpington hens.

    Post pictures of your mixed breed chickens produced from Buff orp. hens. Please let me know the kind of rooster used. THANK YOU!!!
  19. henry19952

    What kind of rooster should I breed with my buff orpington hens?

    I own 16 buff orpington hens, and I want to breed them. However, I want to mix breeds. What is a good type of rooster to add in to make a nice 'mutt' breed?
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