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  1. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    Yellow bottom...perfect target for brooder mates

    I have 15 black chicks and one yellow one. They are all a week old and share the same brooder pen. My yellow chick had pasty butt and in cleaning it off, some of the feathers came off leaving a bald spot. Next time I'll be way more careful Today I noticed two of her her pen mates peck at the...
  2. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    Has anyone besides me ever been tempted... try and incubate a paper shell egg? I got one from a nest box yesterday and marveled (as I always do) at how oddly cool they are. I bet it would leak and cause all kinds of problems. Probably hatch out a misshapen pancake chick...but still...I wonder... Candling sure would be easy...
  3. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    Egg autopsy (Blech)

    I'm new to this. Just finished my first hatch...two eggs. One hatched, one didn't. I candled both at lock-down and saw movement. I'm assuming the incubator conditions were okay since one hatched. Maybe the conditions need to be different for the different breeds? I gave the non-hatcher several...
  4. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    My first homegrown!

    My first chick from my flock. A Cubalaya What I had to do to make it through lock-down
  5. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    LG still air incubator with...holes?

    Are the LG still air incubators supposed to have drain holes on the bottom? I am using one I borrowed from a friend. There is no manual with it. There are two seemingly even spaced holes where the water is leaking out. Is it because I overfilled the reservoir? I have two eggs incubating in it...
  6. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    3 chickens, 3 right eye problem

    I'm beginning to think maybe I'm raising a bunch of pirates. Argh! It started this Saturday. I found one of my roosters with his right eye held shut. No wheezing, no foam, just a small amount of gunk gluing the eye shut (like we get in the corners of our eyes). When I examined him, the whole...
  7. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    Chicken gobbling pine shavings

    I lifted the door on my nesting boxes and one of my RIR's peeked out at me. I watched her reach in into the nesting box and gobble down a short piece of straw. She then picked up a small pine wood shaving piece and gobbled it down...then another...then another... All told, she ate about 5 small...
  8. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    Is this a fertile egg?

    Anyone up for a visual challege? I know some of you will be... (Boy Howdy it's hard to take a picture of an egg yolk without getting flash burns on your eyes ) Assessment needed: Is this a fertile egg? These images are of the same egg, and you might need to search the picture for the ring...
  9. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    Chicken coop "Morning Breath." Am I crazy? Or is this normal?

    I've searched around the forum for info on this and haven't been able to find anything. Maybe I'm imagining things? I'm gonna call it, for lack of a better description, chicken coop morning breath... When I let my chickens out of the coop in the morning, there is a unique smell. It's not a bad...
  10. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    I Heart Cubalayas

    Oh no, I'm falling in love. My Cubalaya hens are the sweetest little things! I happily acquired 2 roosters and 3 hens from a friend. I unfortunately lost one hen shortly after (I have no idea what happened to her---she just disappeared) but everybody mingles with my mixed group really well. In...
  11. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    "Mean Girls" of the chicken yard

    In my yard, it's my 4 Silver Lace Wyandottes. I bought them because of their beauty, but their personalities? Well I just don't know. I have 18 chickens from a mixture of breeds (RIRs, SLWs, BOs, GLWs, SLs, PBRs, etc...) all purchased at the same place at about a month old. They free range...
  12. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    GRAPHIC PICS---What part of the chicken is this?

    I found this clump of feathers in the goat shed where my hens are trying to lay eggs. All total, it's about the size of my fist, with ten short (what I would call "undercoat") feathers. From the color, I believe it is from one of my RIR hens. Maybe she was laying and a goat stepped on her...
  13. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    Small roosters...regular size hens...can they breed?

    This may sound like a silly question, but I haven't been able to find an answer. I have two Cubalaya roosters with average size hens (RR's SLW's BO's, etc...) . The roosters are mounting the hens, but I'm not sure if they are fertilizing the eggs. I've looked at the eggs to see if they are...
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