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  1. Kinney's Urban Ranch

    Overdoing the BOSS?

    I have mixed in BOSS and Oyster Shell into my normal layer mix and have noticed that my girls are picking out the BOSS and leaving the feed on the floor of their coop. This concerns me because I don't want them to have a poor ratio of the nutrients that they need, but they appear extremely...
  2. Kinney's Urban Ranch

    Faded comb. . .beginning to molt?

    So, one of my Australorps appears to be in the first stages of molting. I am seeing more black feathers in the coop than usual and her comb looks much less red than her counterparts. Is the faded comb typical during molting and is there a specific dietary change that I can provide to help her...
  3. Kinney's Urban Ranch

    Rooster Woes

    We are relatively new chicken owners (almost a year) and discovered this morning that our buff Orpington is not the hen that we purchased as a pullet last winter, but is in fact a rooster. He let us know this morning by issuing his first crows. We had not even noticed a voice practice in the...
  4. Kinney's Urban Ranch

    Frostbitten Combs

    We had a bitter cold snap this week after 67 degree weather last weekend. After the sudden temp change, we have 2 girls with a little frostbite on their combs. Should I apply something like A & D or vaseline to their combs, or just let it heal on its own? Thanks!
  5. Kinney's Urban Ranch

    Coughing hen in isolation

    When should I be concerned about a hen that is "coughing"? We just introduced two young girls to our flock after a quarantine period and are allowing them to free range together in the day and are keeping the close but separated in the coop at night. Today, when we put them in the coop for the...
  6. Kinney's Urban Ranch

    Hen Integration Issues

    We have two year old Australorps that we bought in the Fall and are attempting to introduce two new girls, a buff orpington pullet and an 8 month old barred rock. We kept the new girls in quarantine for a week and then put them in with our australorps. They slept through the night with no...
  7. Kinney's Urban Ranch

    Heated Waterers

    Hi there! We are starting our flock and are just picking up all of the finer points of the care for the girls. I have taken a few classes, etc. and so far the hens are doing really well. However, as it is beginning to get cold here in Colorado, I am thinking a lot about heated waterers. I'm...
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