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  1. craftychicken

    chicken instinct

    Hi. why is it that when a hawk flies over, the chickens become alarmed, growl and hide; but when there is a seagull, they don't even notice it? How do they know which birds are a threat and which are not? just curious.
  2. craftychicken

    is this broody?

    hi, when i came home tonight and let the chickens out of their coop into the yard, they all came running out except one. She was in the nest box all puffed up and screeching at me. she didn't try to bite me or anything. here's a video: and a photo: So is this broody? What is going...
  3. craftychicken

    oyster shells and shellfish allergy

    Hi, I have a friend who wants to buy some of our eggs, and I was telling her what we feed our chickens. When she heard oyster shells, she mentioned that her husband has a serious shellfish allergy. Will any of the compounds in the oyster shell transfer to the egg itself (besides the egg...
  4. craftychicken

    first egg?

    Here is the first "egg" from our new flock of RIRs. It looks like just a yolk with a gangly bit - no shell. She just laid it on the ground out in the open too, that's why its all dirty.
  5. craftychicken

    viewing images in a thread

    hi, is there a way to just view the just posts in a thread that have images? that is, can i just look at the pictures without clicking through pages of posts with just text? thanks!
  6. craftychicken

    Feather Wreath

    Hi, ahh! a hobbies section.... i am getting sucked in Recently had 2 hens (BPR and RIR) killed by a coyote, and there were feathers strewn all over the yard. I collected a lot of them thinking I could make something out of it. This being the first time raising chickens, its been hard...
  7. craftychicken

    one hen left after coyote attack - what to do?

    Hi, I've been a lurker here for a while. We had 3 hens (BPR, RIR, and Ameraucana) about 6 months old. We have a bi-level coop (6x4x6) but let the chickens roam the yard during the day. Last weekend, in broad daylight a coyote got our BPR and RIR. Our neighbor saved the Ameraucana...
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