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  • Users: suburban
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  1. suburban

    should I remove the nest boxes?

    We have recently moved house and the girls didn't really like the move. They have the same coop and a bigger run. They have also just started molting. Now they are not laying they have been sleeping in the nest boxes and pooping in there. All three try to get into one box. Should I remove the...
  2. suburban

    Can Bantams live with Australorps?

    I have 1 Australorp, an Australorp x with something? and a Buff Orpington. They are about 9 months old and have a big coop and run. My friend has five 1yr old bantams which she needs to rehome very soon. I was wondering if they could get along with my hens or will they get picked on too much.
  3. suburban

    floppy wattle

    I have noticed that one of my hens wattles is flopping over to one side. Is this an indication of something wrong?
  4. suburban

    what are these? New photos added !

    The one on the right is an Australorp but I'm not sure about the others?
  5. suburban

    Too hot to lay?

    We have some new hens who have stopped laying since brought them home. 2 weeks now. My neighbour told me hens would not lay if the temperature was over 35 (I think that is 100F). Is this true?
  6. suburban

    irregular laying

    We brought new hens home about 10 days ago. One is 5 months old and had just started laying. She gave us one egg on the first day and one the second day and since then no more. So it's been 9 days. The second egg was squashed under her. Do you think the move could have caused her to stop...
  7. suburban

    getting to know each other.

    We had 2 chickens from 6 weeks old. They got to know us very well and we spent time hanging out with them every day. Well one turned out to be a rooster so we gave them both to a friend. So last weekend we bought 3 new hens. 2 are 3 months old and 1 is 5 months. They came from a lady who had...
  8. suburban


    We just brought home some new chickens and one has started laying (she is 5 months). OMG she was so loud! I thought she was being attacked and ran out there to find her sitting on an egg. Is this noise normal? It was pretty funny!
  9. suburban

    interior design

    I've just about finished the coop. It is about 6 1/2 feet long by 4 1/2 feet wide and 4 feet hight on the sides. The roof is pitched and almost 6 feet at it's highest point. One end will open completely for cleaning out and the other end has the little door leading to the run. I will be...
  10. suburban

    nesting boxes

    I'm just in the process of designing our new coop. I've noticed many coops have the nesting boxes kind of sticking out the side of one wall. Is this just for ease of access to eggs or is there another reason too?
  11. suburban

    Coop for a warm climate

    I live in Perth Western Australia. It is a temperate climate and never gets really cold (no snow or frost) but can get quite hot in summer. We are designing a new coop (long chick is a rooseter, found someone to take both together, got chicken math disease so now plan to get 4 more)...
  12. suburban

    Hot Hot Hot

    I live in Perth Western Australia. It is just the start of summer and we are having a bit of a heat wave. today the temp is 40C (is that 110F?) The chooks have a little shade and I have made a temporary kind of lean to for them to shade under but they wont go in there and they don't go in the...
  13. suburban

    Adding new hens

    I recently discovered that one of my two 16 week Austalorps is a rooster. Unfortunately we have to say good bye to him because we are not allowed to keep them where we live. So here are my stupid questions. Do I need to seperate them now? Will he try to fertilise her? and does it matter...
  14. suburban

    is my hen doing a good impersonation of a rooster? now with photo!

    photo to follow My 16 week old Australorp has a very red comb (compared to her sister who has practically none) and has just started doing a really distinct "cock-a-doodle-doo" in the morning. I am hoping she is just confused but I think I know she is a he. What else should I look out for? I...
  15. suburban

    Chicken phrases

    Since getting chooks I've just started to notice how many chicken related expressions we use in every day language... to be cooped up don't put all your eggs in one basket your chickens come home to roost getting your feathers ruffled the pecking order to be hen pecked I haven't heard a peep...
  16. suburban

    When will my girls start laying?

    I have 2 Australorps aged about16 weeks old. One is quite a bit bigger than the other and has a very red wattle/comb (not sure of the correct name for that) she seems to be the boss. I've noticed they both sleep together in one nesting box snuggled up together, not on the roost in the coop...
  17. suburban


    is there a thread explaining chicken terminology, jargon, abbreviations? Is a coop the same as a hen house? Is a roost the same as a perch? rooster, roo cockeral....all the same thing? Please excuse my ignorance (or don't, whatever...) Thanks
  18. suburban

    Chicken Math

    What is it?
  19. suburban

    am I keeping them inside for too long?

    My 2 chooks are locked in the coop from about 6pm to 6.30am. Is that too long? What is the natural time for chooks to go to bed. It's summer here now (Oz) and is light until about 8pm and light again at 5.30am.
  20. suburban

    drinking water

    I never see my girls drinking any water. They have one of those upside down bottles which has a continuos supply. I noticed the other day that they went crazy when I spilled some water on the ground so now I put a little sprinkler in there to wet the ground a bit for them. I put a little bowl in...
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