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  1. nobodyherebutuschickens

    Strange Necropsy Results

    I recently culled a sick hen, and I found some pretty odd stuff going on in her intestines. She was a mutt of some kind, (she looked more like a small buff orpington) about two years old, and I don't think she'd been laying for a while. The past few weeks I'd noticed that she also hadn't been...
  2. nobodyherebutuschickens

    Reflections on the Culling of My Rooster- A Personal Narrative

    Hello, my fellow Backyard Chicken folk. I've just finished an essay for class concerning an event that changed me, or at least taught me something of myself. Of course I had to write it about chickens! I was hoping for some feedback. And also, a warning- while my story is not particularly gory...
  3. nobodyherebutuschickens

    Hen with red vent...

    My 2 year old Red Star girl has several odd symtoms that I'm not sure how to treat. She lives with 11 other chickens that peck at her sometimes. Her feathers are thin in the best of places, and bald on her head, shoulders and back. This might just be from the roosters, or could something be...
  4. nobodyherebutuschickens

    I've had a genius idea for an invention!

    We've all heard of those silly birds that pick the worst times to molt, right? Since my RIR hen has been running around nearly naked for the past two snows, I've been thinking she'd like something extra to insulate her a bit. Solution: A chicken cozy!!! It would be a little bit like those hen...
  5. nobodyherebutuschickens

    Hawk Attack... how to treat this wound?

    My situation: This morning a young hawk paid my coop a visit and tried to eat my 6 week old mutt chick. The hawk was unable to finish it off, but the bird is pretty badly hurt (I think). He's got a couple of gashes, one circular one covering the back of his head and one long one that goes from...
  6. nobodyherebutuschickens

    Feeding everybody...

    I've found numerous posts related to my query but none that gave me the exact kind of answer I was looking for. I have eight laying hens, about ONE YEAR old, and one of them went broody a while ago and decided to hatch some eggs. So now I've got a Momma hen and her six little mutt babies, THREE...
  7. nobodyherebutuschickens

    On the digestion of earwigs...

    My white orp just hatched 6 mutts three days ago, and I couldn't be happier. I am, in fact, quite pleased with the hen for being a good mommy and teacher to the fuzzy butts. I wanted to reward her for a hard day's hatch, and put a nice, juicy raspberry in her feed bowl, which is purposely higher...
  8. nobodyherebutuschickens

    The many odd places you bring your chickens...

    Hi! I've been wanting to hear all of the funny places you've brought your birds with you. The bathtub? The store? Church? On road trips? Tell your story!
  9. nobodyherebutuschickens

    Broody hen with odd colored comb and wattles?

    I have heard it said that when a hen's comb is a darker red, then she is about to lay an egg, and when it is pale, she is taking a break from laying eggs or being broody. My one-year old white orpington has recently gone broody and is sitting on a clutch of fertilized eggs. However, for the past...
  10. nobodyherebutuschickens

    Obtaining Fuzzy Butts...

    We're pretty new at raising chickens. Our first 8 just turned 1! We enjoy them so much, this year we wanted -specifically- a couple of silver laced wyandotte pullet chicks. We would normally have just gotten them from Murdoch's, but it has been one disappointing week. As soon as new babies...
  11. nobodyherebutuschickens

    Cold outside, and chicken is losing feathers! Help?

    A few days ago, my 10 month old white orpington hen developed a bald spot on the back of her neck. We had been finding lots of feathers around the run as of late, and her baldness seems to be getting worse. It's all over, but worst on her neck and head. Her poo seems normal, and I haven't seen...
  12. nobodyherebutuschickens

    Hi, everybody. :)

    Yay! A place where everybody talks about chickens!!! Huzzah! We've always wanted chickens, and this spring, we built a coop and got 8 little chicks. 4 Rhode island reds (Una, Lady, Matilda, and Fattie Lumpkin), 2 white orpingtons (Irena and Camilla) and 2 red stars (Bernard and Norbert). They...
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