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  • Users: lobo307
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  1. lobo307

    pheasants eating eggs

    i got several l/h eggs then they started eating them before i can pick them up. why would this and how do i stop it?
  2. lobo307

    what kind are these?

    can someone identify these geese? i think they are about 5 months old.
  3. lobo307

    is my peafowl sick?

    i noticed that one of my 4 month old peas is holding her wings a little low and looks like she is yawning alot, like all the time, should i be concerned?
  4. lobo307

    how young can bobwhites lay

    i have some northern and georgia giant bobwhites at 5 months old. can i expect them to lay right at 6 months or will they go later?
  5. lobo307

    refridgerated eggs

    has anyone ever tried to incubate refridgerated eggs? i was told that if i let them come to room temp slowly they may hatch.
  6. lobo307

    babies with adults

    how old do the young peas need to be before i put them with the adult peas? in the same pen are ringnecks and bobwhites.
  7. lobo307

    pipped and died

    i have 4 of 12 that pipped, some more than others that seem to have died. hatch day was sunday, so i opened the one that was most pipped, about the size of a dime, and it was dead. there is no movement in the others, that i can see. my question is, what causes this? my temp is solid at 99.5 and...
  8. lobo307

    what is this?

    what do you all think?
  9. lobo307

    can anyone sex this bird?

    i think it is a male? what is the breed and color? any ideas how old it is?
  10. lobo307

    is there a way to make a hen go broody?

    i am wondering if i can make a silkie and a cochin sit on some eggs that i bought.
  11. lobo307

    What Color Will These Be?

    can anyone tell me what colors these will be? they are 2-3 weeks old.
  12. lobo307

    what am i ????

    can anyone tell me the sex and type of guinea? sorry about the quality of the pics, ill upload more if i need to
  13. lobo307

    building a new incubator

    i am wanting to build a new (larger) incubator and was wondering if cedar would be an ok material to use. i have alot of it already but wasnt shure about the smell or chemicals it will give off. will this be harmful to developing eggs?
  14. lobo307

    age and gender

    at what age should i be able to tell gender with ga giants?
  15. lobo307

    Oh Well

    They Still Aint Layin, Maybe Next Year. My Girls Dont Know What To Do With The Boys For Some Reason Thet Prance For Them But Wont Let Them Near Them.
  16. lobo307

    guineas and ants

    dont mean to ask such a stupid question, but will guineas eat ants and grubs?
  17. lobo307

    how do catch my quail

    all my 3.5 week old ga. giants, approx 60, got out of the brooder last week when i made a stupid mistake and left the top open when i went to fill the waterers. i have managed to catch about 35 and put into a growout pen but the others are eluding me. they are in my garage,thank goodness, but im...
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