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  1. Celtictrinity


    Hey everyone! So, to preface this series of questions, I'd like to point out that the chickens we have are for my daughter's 4-H project. There are 20 of them, all different breeds. I probably don't need to list all the breeds but some of the ones we have are EE's, SLW, Cochins, Brahmas...
  2. Celtictrinity

    Gender confusion in my brooder box....Help! (Pic Heavy) here's the situation. Between ordering through the mail and by process of 'chicken math' obtained chicks from two different private breeders, we ended up with 19 chicks total. All are supposed to be pullets. I've posted pics of my most suspect chick that I believe is a roo in another...
  3. Celtictrinity

    Is my name going to be Bailey or Loki?

    Hello again everyone! A few weeks ago, I posted pics of my little barred rock chick. It was supposed to be a pullet but I started thinking it might be a roo by the size of it's comb. Here s(he) is at 2 1/2 weeks old.... Now at around 5 1/2 weeks, this is what s(he) looks like... Since all...
  4. Celtictrinity

    Am I a boy or girl?

    Sooooooo....been happily watching my daughter's chicks grow the past few weeks. Luckily, we didn't lose any of them and they are all doing great! However, her barred plymouth rock seems to be developing it's comb faster then all the others. All our chicks were supposed to be female so I'm...
  5. Celtictrinity

    Hmmmm....sexing percentage- what's your track record?(Chick pics!)

    Hey everyone! I'm curious. I know that the sexing percentage for most sexed chicks is anywhere fro 90-95%. That leads me to ask everyone what their personal experience is in this area? Have you gotten orders from hatcheries/feed stores/etc that were supposed to be pullets and you found a...
  6. Celtictrinity

    My little itty bitty Iowa Blue chick...minor concerns...

    Sooooooo......I have a total of 19 little happy chicks in the brooder at the moment that are all between a week and two weeks old. 12 came from Ideal, 3 from a small little specialty feed store in the city and the last 4 from another little feed store. In the original order from Ideal, I...
  7. Celtictrinity

    Regarding 4-H showing....

    Okay, I've been thinking about this question a lot and been mulling over a tactful way to ask. I've read countless pages of threads on this forum for the past month...ever since my daughter decided that she wanted to show chicks for 4-H. We are both rank newbies at 4-H, showing and even raising...
  8. Celtictrinity

    Hello from Oregon!

    Hello all you wonderful chicken people! I'm going to use this fantastic template that was provided to share information about myself....cause I really have no idea what to say. I'm horrible like that. However, if there is anything else you want to know about me, please ask! I don't mind talking...
  9. Celtictrinity

    Questions about our new baby chicks that arrived today! =-)

    Love this forum....long time lurker, first time poster! I have a few questions about our newest family members. I'm hoping someone will be so kind as to offer up some knowledge to me! 12 happy and healthy baby chicks arrived this morning and are settling into their new home. They all made it...
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