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  1. poultry guy

    Featherless Chicken?

    Our chicks recently got their feathers in, and one of them doesn't seem to have any. Her head is feathered. she has some fuzz on her sides and belly but her back seems to be completely bare. I know it's not a breed thing, she's either an Ameruecana or a buff orphington. If you know what it is...
  2. poultry guy

    Eletric Fencing?

    Many people have told me i should use eltric fencing to keep foxes away, but what about keeping chickens in? is the fencing effective enough to do both? i would really like to know
  3. poultry guy

    Keep Away!!

    My chickens are free-range and I always have trouble with predators, sometimes it's foxes, sometimes it's hawks, and sometimes it's something I cannot identify. Usually I get hit by a fox, if anyone knows techniques to keep foxes away love to hear them.
  4. poultry guy

    Roosters In The Pecking Order

    I have a rooster that is most definitely the lowest in the pecking order, I was wondering how many other people have roosters low in the pecking order. I've created a poll to find out. For The poll please answer using your rooster lowest on the pecking order
  5. poultry guy

    How To Help?

    My chickens are kind of old, they are 3-5 years old. I know they are laying, because, in a week of warmth, they laid rapidly, and well. So my question is: how can I get my chickens to keep laying, keep laying well, and lay in colder weather? Any suggestions welcome, diet, coop, devices, and any...
  6. poultry guy

    Weird Eggs

    I'm having trouble with my hens' eggs. for the past two months they are laying less eggs and the eggs they are laying apear to have no shell, there is a yolk and a white but no shell. i give them oyster shellls, they are all about 3 yrs old, and i have no rooster. What's happening??
  7. poultry guy

    Incubator Question?!

    Hi just as future info i liked to know Whats the difference between still air and circulated air incubators? is one better than the other? Based on experience whats the best incubator? and just plain out what should i do and were should i go when looking for a incubator? i want to be able...
  8. poultry guy

    Turkey Coop?

    Hi i'm looking to get some turkeys and i need to build a coop but don't have a good idea of the dimensions i also want to build a run. i want to get rio grande wild turkeys. About 8 of them.
  9. poultry guy

    Which goose flies the least

    Please aswer the pole about a goose clearing a 6 foot fence it would help me a lot
  10. poultry guy

    What Turkey To Get?

    Hi! I want a turkey that can't fly and is heritage, Got any suggestions?
  11. poultry guy

    Chickens Stop Laying Why?

    My chickens stoped laying here's a chart explaining what we do and do not have
  12. poultry guy

    Turkeys For Meat?

    Hi, i want turkeys so i can raise for meat but i want them to be able to bread by their selves with no intervention. Wich kind do think i should get?. my family has five people in it that will all eat a lot on thanskgiving.
  13. poultry guy

    Goose Vs. Fox

    Would a goose be an effective guard against a fox and if so wich one and what ratio of geese would i need
  14. poultry guy

    sick? or what

    my female mallard duck is poofing up and half weezing and half qaucking also she's qaucking very high pitched she never quacks like she normally does i'm worried she been doing these things for the past 3 weeks also in any case would a male duck sit on the nest
  15. poultry guy

    keeping predators away with no fence

    I have a flock of 70 chickens have of wich are still babies and i'm looking into getting geese to scare of a fox we have living near us and i was wondering what kind to get!
  16. poultry guy

    were to get them

    Hi everybody i am just looking for a hatchery in the U.S.A. that sells sexed brown chinese geese and does small orders.
  17. poultry guy

    got a free chick no idea what breed is though

    Does anyone know what kind of chicken this is it looks like it has a crest. Same chick
  18. poultry guy

    Anbody have this problem?

    I have 6 mallard ducklings who are growing fast and i need help! I have a pond but I also hace a billion predators who preyed on my chickens so will probaly prey on ducks what am I suspppsed to do?
  19. poultry guy

    why won't they?

    Hi i have 6 mallard ducklings that followed me yesterday but today 3/13/11 didn't. Any answers?
  20. poultry guy


    Hi everyone i have 6 mallard ducklings and want to know thes things: 1.can mallard ducks lay without a mate? 2.if mallard ducks mate is it for life? 3.when mallard ducks lay fertilized eggs when will i expect babies? 4.can i keep more than one male together? often do i change an adult...
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