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  1. nutz4critters

    Any luck on making your own egg turner?

    I am considering getting or making an automatic egg turner. My bators are both wooden countertop types built by my dad. One holds temp like a rock, the other is a little more tempermental. Would a bought auto turner work if it physically fit in the bator? On the other hand, has anyone...
  2. nutz4critters

    Okay, I give..... how do you use dye to mark chicks

    I asked on another post, but didn't get help. Leg bands and the mostly useless (apparently, anyway) rubber band things, yes. Dying your chicks, no. Not planning to sell the colored chicks, just need info on how you used food dye to successfully color chicks to separate blood lines, chicks...
  3. nutz4critters

    ISO Pharoah Quail

    I understand they are also called Coturnix. Mom bought 2 trios of goldens yesterday when she fell in love with them. Now we know that we should have gotten "normal" males instead. Oh well. Still cute. So... Anyone have or plan to have fertile hatching eggs soon? I've seen a couple of...
  4. nutz4critters

    When can I tell the gender on SL Wyandottes?

    I got some SLW in an assortment. I paid for all pullets, but you know how hatcheries are. They are now 11 days old (hatched 4/6) and most have full wing feathers. Most of them have a lot of definite penciling on the wing feathers, but I have one that has dark flight feathers with little to...
  5. nutz4critters

    Non poultry related -- anyone from Pittsburgh, PA area?????

    Dumb question, but then again, I'm famous for them. I was curious to know if your local papers had a genealogy section in them. In my area (5 hours north of Mobile, AL), there is a genealogy column wherein people can write for help in researching their family tree. I've looked a little...
  6. nutz4critters

    Calling all RIR owners, please

    I was looking at some of my 10 day old RI red chicks and noticed that some of the chicks have deep red or mahogany colored tips on the beaks and a couple have solid golden tan beaks. According to the old wives' tale of sexing that my dad used, the solid colored beaks belong to females. The...
  7. nutz4critters

    Possibly wrong forum -- waterer repair

    If this is on the wrong forum, please forgive. I have several of the red & white 1 gallon waterers for chicks that have cracks in them. I have some that have a crack in the tray and others have a small hole or crack in the white "holder" portion. Granted, they have had a long and useful...
  8. nutz4critters

    I know, I know ... it's a small thing. Long Rant!!

    My aunt is using three of our off-the-ground chicken pens for her flock. She has a trio of Mille Fleurs, a pair of Columbian Rocks (supposedly bantams, but the jury is still out on that) and three bantam hens that I think are BB Reds. Anyway, she asked to use the pens temporarily until she got...
  9. nutz4critters

    Mt. Healthy -- my experience

    I just got a box of chicks and thought I'd share. I ordered a pullet-only box of assorted chickens. They were shipped yesterday and came in this morning about 7 am. I got Black Australorps, Silver Laced Wyandottes and White Rocks. The chicks are in great shape, eating and chirping...
  10. nutz4critters

    Straight run percentages in general??

    If this is on the wrong forum, please forgive. I didn't know where to put it. Is there a site around anywhere that lists approximate percentages of male vs. female on hatched chicks? I read on the web that studies with normal Pekin ducks revealed that usually about 47 percent were drakes...
  11. nutz4critters

    Where did you get your best chick assortment??

    At a future date (namely after payday when I'm not broke from buying chicken food ), I would like to get an assortment of chicks. Sandhill has an end-of-season thing that sounds good, only it has to be paid for relatively soon and isn't shipped out until October or so. And a couple of the...
  12. nutz4critters

    Your best broody hen is a ?????

    I was wondering with what breed you had the best luck getting a good broody hen. I've read several places that Silkies are great broodies, but the ones we used to have must have dropped out of brood school. They were dumber than dirt, too. To be fair, we got them "locally" and there could...
  13. nutz4critters

    ISO Call Ducks, please

    I am trying to help my uncle find some call ducks. Can anyone recommend a good source for call ducks? He's looking for any variety other than the grays as he has some of them already. He'd prefer that they be close enough for him to pick up in person, but that would limit sellers to about a...
  14. nutz4critters

    Alabama Egg & Chicken Festival in Moulton

    I was curious if anyone on the list had been to past festivals? I emailed the coordinator for the event but have not heard back from her as yet. If you've been to the festival in the past, do they have chickens for sale? I know the website indicates a multitude of bantams to see, but I was...
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