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  1. mothersin2ition

    Guineas hatching early and shrink-wrapping!

    Today is day 25 and I have 2 Guineas out and 3 more pipping. The problem isn't with them hatching early, it is the fact that they are shrink-wrapped! One was out by itself this morning when I got up, but it's shell was dried and stuck to it's back. The other one had zipped all the way, but was...
  2. mothersin2ition

    Day 25 HELP I need advice!

    all my eggs hatched out on Sunday/Monday and I have one egg who I could see was alive. No pipping though. I left it alone. Last night I decided to help it out because I could clearly see it was alive, but it was in the shell upside down. I removed the portion of the egg where the air cell was...
  3. mothersin2ition

    day 23- only one egg left and a concern..

    The chick is definitely alive (I just candled this morning and I can see it moving, making movements that look like breathing), but no pipping, even internally. All the others hatched 2 days ago. My concern is that the incubator is starting to SMELL to high heaven from the hatch debris .....I...
  4. mothersin2ition

    Will a LG turner work in a Hova-Bator?

    I want to upgrade from my LG, and Im looking at the Genesis 1588- I was wondering if my LG turner will work in that or would I have to buy a turner specifically for the Genesis?
  5. mothersin2ition

    Drastic difference in air cells in eggs- Any idea why?

    I'm hatching silkie eggs and mixed breed eggs. The silkie eggs all have very nice air cells- right where they should be. The mixed breed eggs all have *tiny* air cells- like what you would see on a day 7 candling...Im stumped. It's day 20 for the silkies today, and day 19 for the mixed eggs. Why...
  6. mothersin2ition

    4-6 week pullets with scabs and missing feathers on back

    I just noticed today while feeding my 6 week Americaunas and other breed pullets (they're outside in a chicken tractor with a mom and her 5 2-week old babies) that the back right above their tails were bald on a couple. So I grabbed one to look closer and the area is all scabbed up and the...
  7. mothersin2ition

    Lockdown- how can I tell if they're still alive?

    Today is day 19. Rocking in 1 egg out of 4, yesterday. Today, nothing. The only thing to mention is that when I put them on lockdown yesterday, I took out the auto turner and fan, and set the eggs on the rack. I added water in the channels. Anyway, the temp dropped and wouldnt come back up for...
  8. mothersin2ition

    Forgive me, BYCers, for I have sinned......

    I feel the need to confess!! I always put my eggs on lockdown early- the night of day 17. I always open the bator, mess with the eggs, candle the eggs, etc WAY too much. I don't *do* lockdown very well. I am always messing with the eggs. I am quick to intervene. My temps and humidity are...
  9. mothersin2ition

    oh no!!! Chick pipped at the wrong end- is there any hope?

    My first silkie out of this hatch pipped tonight- at the small there ANY chance it can survive???
  10. mothersin2ition

    nothing happening at day 19. Should I worry?

    I know I sound like a neurotic first time mom, but please somebody reassure me! Its day 19, I have 5 that were alive at lockdown. But today there still isnt any rocking, pips or anything. They are sitting in an egg carton, air-cell side up. Ive only incubated once before, and by nighttime on the...
  11. mothersin2ition

    Do silkie chicks need anything different than the others?

    Im expecting some silkies to hatch this weekend ( ) and was wondering if they need anything special? Ive never had silkies before. TIA for any advice.
  12. mothersin2ition

    How can you tell if a hen is no longer laying?

    I know Ive read it here somewhere, but I cant seem to find it. Isnt there a way to feel their pelvic bone and see if theyre laying or not? I know I have a bunch of my girls who are no longer laying eggs, since I have 16 of them and Im lucky to get 7 eggs per day. Dh and I would like to find out...
  13. mothersin2ition

    ? for those who have incubated maran eggs

    Could you see veins by the 7th day? Mine are all really dark shelled, of course, but I feel like I should be seeing *something* by now. Did you have to use a special candler to be able to see anything?
  14. mothersin2ition

    Yay!! Babies are actually hatching!!!

    I seriously thought this hatch was lost, I have had constant swings in temp, as well as oopsies like leaving the lid ajar slightly on the bator for a day I have been sooo lucky, I count my blessings that any of these guys have survived this far- I only lost 2/12 from the time I set these, to...
  15. mothersin2ition

    ewww....I just had an egg pop on me after only 3 days in the bator!

    Unfortunately, the rotten egg decided to blow on me as I was passing through my bedroom (I was heading to get my flashlight). It went all over the carpet and my bedspread So, isnt it wierd for a fresh egg to pop that soon??? I just bought them from a BYCer and they were only in the bator for 3...
  16. mothersin2ition

    two ?s for you- about detatched air cells and day 1...

    Okay, first, is it possible for an egg to survive to hatch when it has a detatched air cell? The silkie eggs I got in the mail are mostly detatched Also, if you set the eggs (not referring to shipped eggs here), early in the day, can you consider that day 1?
  17. mothersin2ition

    how long from pip to zip?

    Im sure its been asked before but I cant seem to find what Im looking for. My question is, how long does it usually take? I have one egg that I rescued from a mama who abandoned her nest. I put it into a hatcher set up- the next night it pipped (last night) and today, its made no further...
  18. mothersin2ition

    ? about life in late-term eggs UPDATE!!

    Heres my story- we had an AWOL Brahma hen who we discovered was setting on a huge clutch out in the weeds. Most of them I tossed because they were early quitters or clear. Anyway, today was (I think) around day 18 and we woke up to find her hanging out with the other birds instead of on her nest...
  19. mothersin2ition

    Air cell on side of egg

    Is there any chance a chick can hatch when the air cell is on the side? I dont know why or when it moved- Id candled a couple of times since setting the eggs, now on day 10, one egg has the aircell on the side (Im pretty sure it was at the top before). Anyway, what causes that to happen? I have...
  20. mothersin2ition

    Do you have a Little Giant? Do you love or hate it?

    Ive heard alot of bad things lately, and Im hoping I didnt make a mistake in buying one. Please tell me your experiences, good or bad.
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