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  1. xxIsabellaxx

    My new Buff Cochin Pullet!

    I was exhibiting at a poultry expo and i decided to buy a Buff Cochin pullet, her name is June Bug and she is very sweet. I told my self i wasn't going to get another feather legged bird but i did.
  2. xxIsabellaxx

    Fox Question

    yesturday I saw a red fox right near my chicken coop on the other side of the fence and i was wondering, can foxes reach through chicken wire? i know racoons can. but iwas just wondering because my coop is totally enclosed also with wire buried about five feet. This is my coop...
  3. xxIsabellaxx

    The problem continues...

    I recently had one of my chickens pass away, she was not her self and died from some kind of seizure. Her symptoms were drooping tail, lathargic, always closing her eyes, and leaky fluid coming from her vent. So today i was feeding my horses and i went to collect the eggs from my coops and...
  4. xxIsabellaxx

    Do any of your chickens chase birds?

    My silkie bantam hen loves to chase Robins out of bushes and it's really cute when she does it but i was wondering if anyone else have experienced that?
  5. xxIsabellaxx

    What kind of breed is my chicken

    I'm guessing she's a mix.
  6. xxIsabellaxx

    UPDATE! Sick 4 year old hen with clear fluid coming out her

    Wings Just Passed away a few minutes ago she had some kind of seizure. RIP Wings 2008-2011.
  7. xxIsabellaxx

    Emercengy! Sick 4 year old hen with clear fluid coming out her mouth!

    Today my mom and i noticed that my 4 1/2 year old White rock hen, Wings was not acting like herself. She had ecoli over the summer and hasn't really bounced back and today she was just standing by herself under a bush. She has lost a lot of weight and doesn't lay eggs, she is also having bright...
  8. xxIsabellaxx

    HELP! White Rock with small worms, purple vent area, srange breathing.

    Help My 4 year old White plymouth rock hen, is breathing abnormaly, laying down , and has a purple vent area. My mom found small worms sticking out of her vent. I just lost my rhode island red yesturday and i'm hoping i don't lose her.
  9. xxIsabellaxx


    Lucy is my Rhode Island red and All of the sudden she became wobbly and we isolated her from the rest of our flock and she developed pneumonia from not being able to get up , and on top of that her leg is swollen and she can barely move it and she has trouble standing Up. She barely been eating...
  10. xxIsabellaxx

    UPDATE! Rhode Island Red Hen with possible bone tumor. 6-19-11

    It been awhile since i updated you on Lucy's leg. We got Metacam medicine that we have been giving her for a month now and she was responding well to it. All of the sudden she became wobbly and we isolated her from the rest of our flock and she developed pneumonia from not being able to get up ...
  11. xxIsabellaxx

    Silver Sebright Thread. add pics.

    This thread is for sebright owners. Show off your birds with pics. This is mine. Her name is florence.
  12. xxIsabellaxx

    My Funny Wyandotte and My White Rock.

    Buttercup and Wings make me smile everyday. From the Crying sound wings makes to Buttercups toes. They are best friends. They are two of my orginals chickens. They can't be seperated. This picture makes me smile everyday.
  13. xxIsabellaxx

    UPDATE! Rhode Island Red Hen with possible bone tumor.

    LUCY my RIR hen is walking beter thanks to her painkillers. My mom and i decided since she is doing better, we are not getting her put to sleep any time soon. I'm very happy.
  14. xxIsabellaxx

    My Crazy chickens /pics

    This is Carmel aka "Broody Girl" she's a Dark Cornish This is Goldie Locks She's a SC golden laced Wynadotte. This is Sweet Pea. She's my beautiful Partridge silkie Bantam. This is Florence she is my Silver sebright. These two are Millie and Fleur my Millie Fleur D'Uccles. Oreo and...
  15. xxIsabellaxx

    Is she a Barred Plymouth Rock? /pics

    This is Oreo my Barred Rock Hen. Is their any Difference between a Barred Rock and a Barred Plymouth Rock?
  16. xxIsabellaxx

    Hiding in their feathers.

    I was watching my Barred Rock and My silver sebright Hens on the perch, and my sebright was nesteling her head in my Barred Rocks feathers. Is this a normal Behavior for chickens?
  17. xxIsabellaxx

    My Dark Cornish

    This is Carmel my Dark cornish she is going to be three in May. She's been incredibly broody ever since we had to put her sister, Butterscotch to sleep ( she was a Dark Cornish too). Is there any solutions for broodyness?
  18. xxIsabellaxx

    My Amazing Silver Sebright Bantam

    This Florence she is a Silver sebright.
  19. xxIsabellaxx

    UPDATE! Rhode Island Red Hen with possible bone tumor.

    Hello everybody, Lucy is on her pain Medication. So far the medicine hasn't effected her much, She stil doesn't want to walk. But she's eating and drinking fine, and she clucking. She's only had 3 doses of her medication. It's seems that if she's not better tommorow and into monday, we...
  20. xxIsabellaxx

    Is this a Rhode Island Red/ pics

    This my Hen Lucy. She is sick right now. but When i showed her last year at my 4-H fair they said she probably wasn't a Rhode Island Red. They said she was to dark and she had to many decsent feathers.
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