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  • Users: Razadia
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  1. Razadia

    Horse Folks: Tack Question

    This post is sitting in limbo over on BYH. It's been awaiting moderation for hours, so I thought I'd move it over here. Yesterday I was going through on of my sheds and found a bridle that I thought was gone. The last time it was used was several years ago on a mare I was supposed to buy, but...
  2. Razadia

    Question about year badges

    I noticed that I still don't have a four year badge, so I'm wondering if this could be because I haven't been as active as others that have gotten theirs'? Or maybe I was forgotten or something? I don't know, just throwing ideas out there. Thanks for any help.
  3. Razadia

    Anyone know what's going on here?

    We just noticed it today. I have no idea what's going with her. She has 2 other females in the cage with her and 1 male. None of them are aggressive towards each other.
  4. Razadia

    Hen's wing picked bloody and need some suggestions ***WARNING PICS INCLUDED ONE POST DOWN****

    This isn't the first injury I've had to deal with, but it's a really awkward one to cover. Since it's pretty nasty looking I'll have to wait to post the pic. It's in a visible spot on the edge of the wing. This girl is at the bottom of the flock and she get's picked on by my other 4 girls...
  5. Razadia

    Guild Wars 2 anyone? Or even the original?

    Anyone on here play GW2? Any one on Borlis Pass? I've been trying to find people to play with and possibly join my guild. Anyone a fan?
  6. Razadia

    Who's doing NaNoWriMo this year?

    I'm taking a break from writing so I don't go nuts. It's only day 2 and I already feel like ripping my hair out. I have myself set at 2000 words per day, but I tend to write over that once I get in my groove. So who else is writing this year?
  7. Razadia

    I need to vent...

    I'm in my last few weeks of pregnancy (due between June 6th and 12th, just depends on when he's ready to come out) and it seems like every little thing is getting to me! I'm still living with my parents, brother, SIL, their now 3 girls (5, 3, and newborn), and now my fiance. Blu (fiance) is...
  8. Razadia

    Anyone know anything about Nielsen ratings?

    I got a letter in the mail from them today and I keep finding conflicting information about them. They even went so far as to include a whole $2 in the envelope. I'm extremely confused as to who they are and what they do.
  9. Razadia

    First time making Buttermilk Pie

    And it has not turned out so well! I managed to forget that room temperature butter doesn't like to mix well, so next time I'll melt it first. The recipe is only for one pie, but it still makes too much for one shell and too little for two. It says that it should only take an hour at 325* to...
  10. Razadia

    Why does this seem so familiar?

    I swear I've heard of it somewhere. All joking aside, I have a cow in my yard and my horse is not happy about it. We have no idea how she got in. We've been all along the fences and we just can't figure it out. If our neighbor was at home she'd be gone by now, but he didn't answer when my...
  11. Razadia

    Long-Tailed Weasel giving me problems.

    A weasel keeps getting into my RIR coop and eating eggs. A few months back (at around 1:30 in the morning) it tried to carry off one of my young birds from the same coop. Luckily, I was awake and on the back porch when it happened. I had enough time to grab a light and go see what was up. I ran...
  12. Razadia

    Need some help from those that sew

    So, I've decided to set out on a new project. The problem is I know next to nothing about sewing faux fur. Can anyone give me some pointers on how to go about keeping the fur from catching in the seems? Is there any particular stitch I should use to keep it together? (I like hand sewing things...
  13. Razadia

    It's the last hatch of the year...

    And my game hens have decided not to lay for the past few days. It's driving me crazy. Dad doesn't want me to hatch any more RIR or RIR crosses this year. He says it has to be game birds. So now I'm going crazy waiting for a few eggs from the hens. I've gone all summer without hatching and I was...
  14. Razadia

    Plenty of good news this time

    It's been a while since I last posted on here and the last few times have been all bad news. I do still have a bit of bad news, but I know how to deal with it now (mites). As of May 21 (or 22, I can't remember which) I have a job. I'm a dishwasher and I don't get paid much, but it's work and...
  15. Razadia

    Look what I found in my back yard this morning....

    A Hen. A pretty little hen. I have no idea what she is. My mom saw her first, but my dad thought she was going crazy. He goes outside to feed all the animals and there she is, right next to the game pen. She's so much bigger than my game roo and it's obvious she's at least and egg layer. Here's...
  16. Razadia

    What is this pretty girl?

    So this morning (literally just a little bit ago) my dad woke me up to come look at a hen in the back yard. She's really pretty and we have no idea where she came from. What do you guys think she could be? I know she's not a game. She's almost the same size as my game rooster.
  17. Razadia

    Why? I just don't get it. Why?

    Why do people have to pick a fight with me on my birthday? It's been happening all day. I woke up in a really good mood and now I feel like breaking something. Today has been terrible with the exception of all the birthday wishes I've gotten.
  18. Razadia

    Finally, something to do.

    I won't be online for a few days since a family friend asked me to come work at his brother's fireworks stand. Our friends wife won't be able to do it this year since she had her baby, so it's my turn to help out. I'm excited about it. I'll get about $300 when we're done and I'll finally be able...
  19. Razadia

    Here we go again! *update*

    Tomorrow I'm setting my final batch of the year and first hatch of next year. I'm excited that I can hatch again and again when I want to. This batch will be 9 full RIR and 3 RIR/BA. I'm hoping to get one roo out of the RIR/BA eggs for my dad's "Breeding Project". So, who else is setting up to...
  20. Razadia

    I need a little relationship advise

    As most of you know, I just came out of an almost two year relationship that ended in a really bad break up about a week ago. I have a really good friend that's been there for me through most of my rough spots in said relationship. I even dated him during a month and a half break from my now ex...
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