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  1. ChickChickChicky!

    What Is Cocci!?

    Can anyone explain to me what cocci really is!?!? How do you know when your chick gets cocci? What are symptoms? What is the likely chance of dieing from cocci? Can it spread? How do chickens catch it? Can it be cured? I know that cocci has to do with blood droppings, but does the chicken JUST...
  2. ChickChickChicky!

    6 weeks old bloody droppings!?!? D:

    One of my chicks has just pooped a blood. Yesterday I have noticed, so I watched them and after a while there poop were pretty normal. But this morning I saw my Peanut (thats her name) poop blood! What should I do and what is going on!? I'm really worried! I don't want to see one of my chicks to...
  3. ChickChickChicky!

    Weak Chick ! Don't know whats wrong! :(

    (I re-posted this from raising chick.) Okay well I have this 2 week old chick. Shes (assuming she is a 'she') smaller than the other 2 chicks by a lot! She eats less and drinks less too! Just yesterday when I saw some poop on her butt, I went to get paper to clean it. While cleaning I...
  4. ChickChickChicky!

    Weak Chick ! Don't know whats wrong! :(

    Okay well I have this 2 week old chick. Shes (assuming she is a 'she') smaller than the other 2 chicks by a lot! She eats less and drinks less too! Just yesterday when I saw some poop on her butt, I went to get paper to clean it. While cleaning I accidentally knocked the place the umbilical cord...
  5. ChickChickChicky!

    How is a storebought incubator made?

    Hey! I was wondering how store bought incubators create the heat for the eggs? I think that it gives heat because of a heating system like the heater in your home. Am I'm right? Anyways I need this for my science fair project, so please help! AND THANK YOU SO MUCH!
  6. ChickChickChicky!

    Chick eyes closed all the time?

    I just helped hatch 4 chicks this weekend! 2 of which are healthy and strong. The other 2 are getting stronger, but I have a question. Is it normal for a chick to keeps its eyes CLOSED at all times? One of the chicks just keeps its eyes closed all the time and sleeps A LOT! The other chick opens...
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