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  • Users: AHDCST
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    Hens on Antibiotics..Can I hatch their eggs?

    My Dominique hens are on DuraMycin because one of them has been coughing and sneezing. I know we can't eat the eggs for 10 days after they get of the medicine. My question is can I put their eggs in the incubator or would the chicks be deformed from the antibiotic? I can't isolate the one hen...

    Eye Worm or just an infection?

    I just can't figure this poor hen's problem out for her. I thought it looked like an eye worm as there was bubbling in her eye. I have had a problem with a eye worm before. This chicken hasn't responded to the VetRx treatment that worked before. She is nearly blind in this eye. I have kept her...

    Buff Brahma?

    I don't have a clue what this little chick is. I thought it was a RIR then yesterday I noticed it has feathered feet! I have Light Brahma's that are the only feathered feet and legs hens I have. Could this be a buff when all the hens and rooster are Light?

    Bantam Rooster--Broken foot?

    I am trying to find out why my BB Red roo won't put weight on his foot. He has always walked on his tiptoes but yesterday I noticed he was standing on one foot. I didn't think much about it until I remembered he has been in the nesting box with his broody hen for 3 days. She usually won't let...

    Help Please--yolk sack not absorbed!

    Please help me decide what to do! This is a Lt. Brahma hatched all be itself this morning. I noticed that it was still attached to the egg shell. I left it alone till just now. The sack is bulging out and I am afraid it it hits something or another chic steps on it , the chic may bleed...

    Am I a Light Brahma? My egg came out of their coop!

    Mom got both of these eggs out of the Lt.Brahma coop. The moms are separate from other breeds. When we hatched as you can see one is yellow and has feathers on its feet and the other is dark and clean legged. Can anybody tell? Once I got dry I looked kinda like a RIR?

    Prayer Request--- please!

    I hope I am not out of line but here goes--- Can you guys keep a fellow flock member in prayer? I won't say who but one of our comrades has a very difficult situation going on at home. A grandfather that taught them everything they know about chickens and is very loved has been in the hospital...

    What Happened to my Poor Boy?

    When I went out to lay my eyes on each member of my flock, I was dismayed to see the tail feathers of my Barred Old English were bloody. I picked him up and looked but couldn't really see anything. Later in the morning I went out to check on him again and the 2 hens were picking, pecking and...

    Help me please--my eggs are hatching but the chicks are upside down!

    The eggs are on day 20. They are trying to chisel away the large end of the egg. Two of them have done so and hit their blood supply. I helped those 2 but several more are doing the same thing. Any suggestions?
  10. AHDCST

    Advice Please! My Dominique Hen Has Started A Bad Behavior.

    Okay, maybe not bad but odd. She has started sparring with the water container. She started kicking at it while it was hanging up. Yes, kicking it! I thought maybe it was an accident at first but I saw her a couple of days ago. She would kick it with her feet and then roll in the mud it made in...
  11. AHDCST

    I've been mooned by my hens!

    I was actually mooned by my Black Sexlink hens! Three of the six have the barest, brightest pink, bare butts I have ever seen! I only noticed it yesterday but I know they haven't been that way for long. What could be wrong? They already went through the molt stage. There are no other chickens in...
  12. AHDCST

    Help---My Banty roo is a devil in disguise!

    I just got a trio of Bard Rock Banties. The little hens are docile and sweet but the roo--Look out! He started crowing the second his feet hit the ground and he flogs me anytime I open the door to his pen! He is very aggressive! If I catch him and hold him he wiggles around till he can bite my...
  13. AHDCST

    Is it possible for a hen to be sterile?

    I have a Dominique hen that is at least a year old and NO eggs,Nothing, NADA! Is it possible for a hen to be sterile. Her sister has laid and molted and is laying again. The rooster is doing the rooster thing with her, she has a beet red and plump comb and she sits in a nesting box but has never...
  14. AHDCST

    Please use the PM function in the way it was intended

    I got a disturbing text this morning. It seems that an individual used the PM feature to bash and criticize another member. The person who was targeted is a very kind individual who would never harm a person or an animal. To be a young person just learning the art of keeping chickens and the do...
  15. AHDCST

    Help, my 6month old Bard Rock's beak is Broken!

    My poor little girl, we just got the eye problem under control and BOOM! yesterday I noticed her beak is out of alignment. The bottom is about a quarter of an inch to the side. She tries to eat but the food falls out of her mouth. I tried letting her free-range but she can't seem to eat grass or...
  16. AHDCST

    Red and inflamed eye

    One of my Bard Rock chickens has a very red and crusty eye. She seams to be able to see out of it but it looks painful. Yesterday I noticed little bubbles in the corner of her eye. Today the whole eye is red and crusted over. I wiped her eye with a damp cloth but it just keeps getting crusted...
  17. AHDCST

    Quarter size Black wound on breast of 12 week old chick

    This chick had one leg broken when it hatched. It is getting so big it can hardly stand on it's good leg so it spends almost all the time on it's belly. The bottom of the pen is plywood. I tried shavings but it fumbles around and thumps so much it just throws the shavings out. This is a Blue...
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