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  • Users: Grace11
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  1. Grace11

    Young pullet with a wound top of foot

    6 mo old pullet, laying, I believe her to be New Hampshire, Rhode Island. She has a wound on top of her left foot- right where it bends to the leg. It looks a lot like bumblefoot, tallish swelling with what looks like a reddish bruise/wound. Other foot shows a reddish small wound, not swollen...
  2. Grace11

    Brabanters in my new girls

    I got 20 chicks 3 mos ago. While they were growing, I noticed 2 I had no idea what they were. I looked them up & they were brabanters, 1 male, 1 female Their mode of activity was to ALWAYS duck out of sight if they saw I was looking at them, the roo especially. It was almost like they were...
  3. Grace11

    Where to find chicken clothing?

    Im looking for the item that covers a chickens behind because shes gonna be a house chicken. long story, this little girl was savaged by her flock, not once, but 2wice. shes gonna be in the house and i need to get her a booty poop holder! cant find them anywhere!
  4. Grace11

    Gigantic liver (graphic pic warning)

    I have a bunch of new gals to refurbish my flock of mostly old ladies. I got an assortment of BOs, green egg layers, Ameracaunas, and silver laced Wyandottes. About 20 in all. For the most part they all lived and are thriving, all are close to 6+- months, none have started laying, but are...
  5. Grace11

    Young pullet, gone now, want to know what was wrong

    Had 4 mo old BO Pullet, raised with several others same age. Came upon her in evening, crop empty and hunched. Put her alone with wet mash and water, next morning, still the same. She would eat scrambled raw egg with NutruDrench and some water, would eat nothing solid or anything else. Then she...
  6. Grace11

    Can a femur be put back in order on a 1 yr old girl?

    Shes not quite a year old, wellsummer, and i caused the injury. the gate to their run is a tall, wire fencing type. theres been so much snow and ice that the ground right by the gate is risen some and all hard ice. i came out to give them all their evening mash and somehow, i think i knocked her...
  7. Grace11

    Young Pullet with Cough/sneeze/hiccups

    This almost 8 mo old pullet is in 3rd day of a cough/sneeze hiccup noise she is making. There are NO rales, but she lifts her head up to get a breath, but not always, and if no head lift, she keeps her beak slightly open to breathe. Seems to be eating reasonably well. NO facial/eye swelling...
  8. Grace11

    Chickens eating elm leaves

    Is there Anything bad about Letting young chickens eat elm leaves that fall into their enclosure? Im not fast enough to grab them away. Then i go and get them a big fistful of purslane so they have something green.
  9. Grace11

    No other Place to put this!

    There is a chicken, but theres a human playing a dumb rubber squeaky chicken to the Toto Africa song in the Background, and hes terrified of the chicken. I think its a Serama....
  10. Grace11

    Whats the Most Important Thing Youve learned in your Life with Chickens

    To keep my mouth Shut if I'm doing something with the chickens thats Oooky! Getting poo/something equally objectionable flung into my face while working on a bird is NOT something I care for...
  11. Grace11

    Silkie hen lays her 1st egg

    I have a nice little lot of silkies i got from the feed store. Have the most beautiful copper colored roo I ever saw, a plain white roo, two buff hens, 1 white hen, 1 black, and 1 blue splash. Blue splash girl I call Sweet Pea, she made a grand MGM production today over her 1st egg. She was...
  12. Grace11

    Silkie chick with defective 5th toes

    Little black fella, 2 weeks old. i knew his toes werent right a week ago, they are xtra long and curled under, rest of toes r normal. Last nite i was cleaning all of their feet, they knock their feed out so it gets in the feet feathers. This teeny birds 5th toes dangle and bend under the foot...
  13. Grace11

    Young BO Acting Broodyish, Not broody

    This gal is 8 mos old, had 3 of them, one was a roo, someone who wanted him got him, kept the 2 pullets. When they started laying 2 mos ago, shortly afterward she started broody clucking. I put them in with the flock. and she got much worse. if the Rooster gets anywhere near her, she poofs...
  14. Grace11

    BO 6 wk old chick seemingly mature enough to mate

    This has got to be the strangest thing Ive ever seen! This little guy is 6 weeks old this weekend. His comb and wattles started developing at 2 weeks, became red at the time and got redder and redder. When they got fully feathered i put them into a small outside area like i do them all for the...
  15. Grace11

    Strange behavior, not ill.

    Got an ameracauna mix, from an egg last year. Shes been doing this for close to 6 weeks now. Checked her good for possible egg bound and abdominal masses-nada. Had her in the house for a couple days to feed her up good and continues still to now. She walks around with her tail raised up as if...
  16. Grace11

    New Mama Hen won't eat-gives her food to the chicks

    New Mama Hen won't eat-gives her food to the chicks. She finally pooped this morning after a couple days of none that I could see, she does drink sometimes, but mostly ignores me offering anything or mouths it and gives it to the chicks. She won't even eat live mealworms, just mouths them while...
  17. Grace11

    From Broody Hen Zen to Proud Mama bliss in 5 days

    I think I hurt something from patting myself on the back today! Saturday, I decided my smallest BO had gone broody: wouldnt get off the nest, zoned out, shrieking at my hand entering her space. Sounds like broody to me! Since I have no rooster, I hunted around for fertile eggs, couldnt find...
  18. Grace11

    I've Created A Monster!

    I've a little hospital unit (dog crate and havent had to use it as such yet, thank goodness) it is in the house since theres nowhere else to put it when its so cold outside. I use it when the rest of the chickens peck certain of the girls out of the nests when they try to lay-its almost always...
  19. Grace11

    Death from a Branch in the Coop

    My little plucky pullet finally grew up, laid her first egg 2 weeks ago. 2 days after, I entered the coop to find her hanging upside down from a crotch in the branch I had in there as a temporary ramp for the chickens to get up to the roost. It was about 2 inches in diameter and had 3 branchoffs...
  20. Grace11

    Linoleum on floor of new coop-Sliding chickens-BAD! What to do?

    I moved my 20 chickens into their new coop wed nite, laid down a huge amount of dry leaves from last year. (THAT was a mistake for me, I discovered the dust from the leaves left me getting asmatha from it.) Today, I went in with a face cover to get the leaves out and put down straw instead...
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