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  1. Jeffross1968

    Frame help please!

    So, with all the help received on my previous post, I’ve decided to: 1) build instead of repurpose a shed 2) utilize a dirt floor 3) use blackjack 57 on buried corner posts a up a foot inside and outside all the walls to protect wood from the wet ground. So I’ll attach my horrible little...
  2. Jeffross1968

    Floor type advice for barn style coop

    About to start work on building a new coop, but keep going back and forth on the idea of a cement pad for the floor. Originally considered it to make cleaning easier. The coop will be positioned next to the compost bins, and figured on weekly pulling out the crapped up hay, replacing with fresh...
  3. Jeffross1968

    Anyone with experience feeding brewers mash?

    I read quite a while ago where brewers spent mash is good to feed chickens. I've made a deal with a local brewery to get buckets at a time in trade for a few eggs. But...since it's new to me, I'm not sure how to store it and feed it? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  4. Jeffross1968

    Gah!!! This round of chicks is driving me batty!!!

    OMG! This batch of chicks, which are now...maybe 6 weeks old? I don't remember. Anyway...they are constantly kicking all their feed out of the feeder. Now, when they were on a floor coop, I just wouldn't refill the feeder until they ate the stuff off the ground first. But I put them in the new...
  5. Jeffross1968

    Both eyes closed. Whitish liquid fluid pouring from one eye....

    I have a 4ish month pullet who is currently hiding in a laying box with both eyes closed. When I picked her up, I noticed how a white liquid is nearly pouring out of one eye. I'm at a loss at this point.I've seen some things go through my flock. But have never seen anything like this. Opinions?
  6. Jeffross1968

    Western NC breeders?

    Wondering if there is a database of quality breeders in the western North Carolina area, or even east TN or northern GA. Half my flock was lost to a dog attack and am interested in getting some quality birds from a good breeder. Thanks.
  7. Jeffross1968

    Lethargic for a week, and then death.

    A few days ago I lost a nearly year old laying hen. For the last week, she was super lethargic, don't think I saw her eat or drink, and eventually, found her one morning dead. I now have another, in a different coop, doing the same thing. Also almost a year old, and had been laying up to a week...
  8. Jeffross1968

    Can a hen be laying AND go broody?

    I have an EE who for the last week started spending more and more time in the laying box. But each time we thought she had gone broody, we'd find an egg from her by days end. As of this morning, she's now been on the nest non-stop for at least 36 hours. Signs of broody, right? Well, when I went...
  9. Jeffross1968

    The chirping is going to drive me to violence....

    Ok, so firstly, this isn't our first trip around the incubator. We've been hatching our own chickens out for a year and a half. Hundreds of chicks. Inevitably, there is always a chick that for a couple days, likes to make more noise than the others. So, our first hatch this year was a bit over a...
  10. Jeffross1968

    Does loss of comb size due to illness ever return?

    We had some kind of illness run through our flock a few months ago, and we noticed that some of the birds who got sick lost a lot of comb size. Our white faced black spanish had a huge comb. After the illness her comb had shrunk by probably 75%. She's been healthy now for a couple months, but...
  11. Jeffross1968

    Hen BLEEDING from mouth! Breathing labored!

    So, I'm at my wits end at this point. We went from an amazing healthy flock to a complete mess in a couple of months. We went out an hour ago to dose a couple of closed eye chickens with Tylan50, and while in there saw a hen, at point of lay age wise, who yesterday was bright and vibrant with...
  12. Jeffross1968

    Horrible eye problem! Diagnose?

    We have some kind of illness going through our flock. All sick birds have a closed eye. Some have recovered after having only a closed eye, that later opened. Those birds usually did not show other signs, and continued eating/drinking. We have lost one bird to either a very advanced form of the...
  13. Jeffross1968

    Sulfadmethoxine egg withdrawal period?

    I was wondering if there is an egg withdrawal period with Sulfadimethoxine?
  14. Jeffross1968

    Bad reactions to Wazine17?

    I've had a healthy, happy flock all summer, with no issues. A month ago, though, I saw our secondary rooster poop out a worm. We have never wormed our flock. We spent a week following chickens around looking at poop, but saw only 1 more instance of wormy poop. But we decided to worm them with...
  15. Jeffross1968

    Are hawks loners, or could this group of 3 circling my house be hawks?

    I am having issues with a hawk (like so many others right now). Anyway, it's always been a single red tail hanging around. But looking up right now, I see 3 very large birds circling my house, some hundreds of feet high. Could they be hawks, or are hawks primarily loners?
  16. Jeffross1968

    Can guineas live like chickens?

    Guinea any of you have adult guineas that live like chickens...sleeping in a coop, laying eggs in laying boxes? Or are mine that are around 4 months eventually going to take to sleeping in trees and laying in the woods? Ours have grown up with chickens almost their whole lives.
  17. Jeffross1968

    A couple more unknown Ideal breeds...

    Got a few more pictures of birds we haven't been able to figure out the breeds on. Here we go! Hoping this is a Blue Andalusian? No clue on this one...
  18. Jeffross1968

    What breed arew we??

    This white one was part of an Ideal pullet special in May. Really trying to find out what she might be..... And this thing...the picture is a little older.... We think this is a Silver Phoenix? These two were from a crested special....could be any sex...but interested in...
  19. Jeffross1968

    Found our first poop worm...

    So, we have about 70 or so chickens, ranging in age from 2 years to a month. They are all outside and free range almost all day. I'm pretty diligent about watching poop for any issues. Today, one of our 6 month old blue laced red wyandotte roosters pooped a good sized worm. It's the first we've...
  20. Jeffross1968

    How early can you move to layer without problems?

    I know that the extra calcium in layer feed can harm chicks. I have a mixed age flock, so have always fed starter/grower with free choice oyster shell. All my girls lay regularly and with good shells save a couple. I have one hen who is laying a pretty thin shell, and another who hasn't laid...
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