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  1. SanAntoneChicken

    Just got my lavender, blue, black, and splash Orpingtons in!

    Here is a pic of my new babies. They are Lavender Orpingtons, and Blue/Splash/Black English Opingtons from
  2. SanAntoneChicken

    My second try

    Well I'm trying my incubator out for a second time, my last incubation ended poorly. I set 18 eggs a week ago Monday, and I'm happy to say it is running along smoothly. After having temp problems last time, I installed a computer fan and things seem to be a bit more stable. I candled all my...
  3. SanAntoneChicken

    Yipeeeee! I'm getting Isbars

    Well I am happy to say that I will be getting 7 little Isbar babies on Friday. 4 Blue, 2 Splash, and 1 Black. I have been looking but can't find any pictures of Black Isbar roosters, has anyone seen one? Here is a picture of the chicks I'm going to pick up friday.
  4. SanAntoneChicken

    I don't get it

    It seems like every time my chickens start laying consistently it ends. They will all lay everyday for a few weeks then a few or all will stop laying for a while. For the last 2 months I have recieved 3-4 eggs a day from my 4 layers. This week I have only been recieving two eggs a day. I...
  5. SanAntoneChicken

    Can eggs from chickens being wormed be hatched?

    I am planning to worm my chickens and know that I will need to not eat the eggs for a period of time, but can they be hatched? I was planning to save up some eggs for hatching and this might be a great time since I won't be able to eat them anyway.
  6. SanAntoneChicken

    New Aquisitions! Need help figuring out what they are.

    Here are some pics of some birds I picked up recently. I need some help identifing the breeds if possible. The first two pics are of a what I believe is a black roo and his sister. The person I got them from said that their mother was a black australorp but he thought that a marans rooster...
  7. SanAntoneChicken


    Well I set my eggs monday night. I am using a still air little giant incubator with egg turner. My temp has been pretty steady between 100.3 and 100.8, is that fine? I have been a little confused about temp cause lots things I read say to incubate at 99.5, but then i read in other places to...
  8. SanAntoneChicken

    Anybody got hatching eggs around San Antonio, TX ?

    All ads must be in the Buy/Sell/Trade section, please. Thank you.
  9. SanAntoneChicken


    I am getting ready to set my first batch of eggs in the incubator and have a question. Most of the eggs I am collecting have a little bit of poop on them, not much, will this cause a problem? I have noticed when one of my hens went broody that some of the eggs were dirty and I still had most...
  10. SanAntoneChicken

    Hatching Eggs San Antonio, TX

    I am looking for hatching eggs in the San Antonio, TX area. I am open to many breeds but I want clean legged standard sized birds.
  11. SanAntoneChicken

    Let's see some hybrids I mean crosses

    Alright people let's see 'em. It's time to show your pretty little cross breeds aka mutts.
  12. SanAntoneChicken

    Broody Barred Rock hen with mixed batch of eggs.

    One of my barred rock hens has gone broody and is sitting on a dozen eggs provided by herself and all my other hens. My rooster is a SLW my other hens are SLW, Mottled Java, RIR, Buff Orpington, and another BR. Any ideas of what the offspring may look like, or does anyone have pics of some of...
  13. SanAntoneChicken

    EE cross pullets?

    I was told these hopeful girls are an EE cross. The father was a Wyandotte/Cochin and the mother was an Easter Egger. They about 2 months old maybe a little older.
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