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  1. SCchickens2011

    Problems with sticking inside shell

    Does yone out there know what causes eggs to become "sticky" inside the shell? A few of the fresh eggs i have cooked seemed to have less albumen and the egg sort of stuck inside as i opened it to drop into the pan.
  2. SCchickens2011

    Lethargic Chicken can't walk, losing weight

    I have a 4-5 yo barred rock that has suddenly developed an issue. Well maybe not so suddenly. I first notice about a week or two ago that the middle toe on her right foot would curl in to the inside toe when she walked. Now she can't walk, she just lays there on her side and she has lost weight...
  3. SCchickens2011

    I think my chickens have worms!!!! what do I do?!

    I have aflock of 15 chickens. In the past few days i have had two chickens die and one more is about to die. I picked her up to look at her butt because it was all poopy and some yellowish poop stuck on it and i saw these little maggot like worms coming in n out of her butt! They are gross and i...
  4. SCchickens2011

    Chicken has a swollen back end???

    one of my chickens has a pronounced swollen rear end. She walks "bowlegged" becuase it's so big. She appears to be pooping because she has poop on whats left of her butt feathers however, most of them are gone. What could it be???
  5. SCchickens2011

    Mold in Pellets!!!!!

    Okay so I went out to feed my girls last night and I keep their feed in a galvanized can with a lid. I usually buy crumble but my DH bought pellets this time. I had been noticing the feed has a strong medicine-y odor but thought nothing of it really, I noticed last night however some of the...
  6. SCchickens2011

    to clean or not to clean... your eggs

    Who washes or rinses their eggs and who doesn't and why? And if you don;t how do you get at least any poop or blood off them without damaging the "bloom"?
  7. SCchickens2011

    HELP! Losing feathers! What's goin' on?

    my chickens are losing feathers. It started with two of the GSL's they were starting to look like their back feathers were getting shredded, they were down to just the shaft after a few weeks and now both are almost completely bald in those spots, and on their necks in the front now. Then I...
  8. SCchickens2011

    Not chicken related but i need to know

    does anyone out there know of a similar website like BYC for people who raise cattle? I need answers on feeding a calf/steer for beef and I haven't found anything, PLEASE HELP if you can.
  9. SCchickens2011

    wrinkled eggs!

    anyone know why an egg would come out wrinkly looking? I have a hen laying eggs that are fully formed and hard but the shell has a wrinkled texture? I got one on Tuesday that was slightly wrinkled with similar vertical "scratch" marks on it, this one pictured came Wednesday, then yesterday I got...
  10. SCchickens2011

    Is this a tumor or some type of disease?

    This is "Tiny" so called for her tiny comb. I can't seem to upload any of my other pics, but if you look under her beak, where the waddle should be, she has this lump, I am not sure what this is, if it is a disease or not. I can't pick her up, she is too skittish and I can't catch her, I just...
  11. SCchickens2011

    cleaning up the poop

    i have a question... how would you go about cleaning out the poop in order to cut down on replacing shavings every two to three weeks? I clean my coop about once or twice a month simply becuase it is so dry inside all the poop dries out pretty quickly, but i keep thinking there must be a rake or...
  12. SCchickens2011

    When to stop Chick Starter and begin Layer feed?

    When do you stop feeding Chick starter and begin Layer feed? My girls are just about out of a 30# sack of Chick Starter and I was thinking they may be too old now and should begin feeding Layer feed, they are almost 2 months old.
  13. SCchickens2011

    sick chick

    can anyone tell me what might be wrong with this chick/pullet?
  14. SCchickens2011

    update on class project gone roo

    Hello all! I have new pics of the "boys", Chuck (little one) and Larry (huge one), but still uncertain of breed? I am leaning toward Marans? What does anyone else think?
  15. SCchickens2011

    class project gone roo?

    i need help to figure out what these two are, gender and possible breed? they were a class hatching project and all the ggs were different and unknown for sure.
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