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  1. DaddyChicken

    Sick hen

    I have a Rhode Island Red hen about 2.5 yrs old that has been sick for about 5 days. Her comb is limp, she is very weak, and most noticeably, she is holding her tail very low. She eats and drinks water. I have given her some english peas and whole kernel corn from a can thinking it may help in...
  2. DaddyChicken

    Can these eggs still hatch?

    I have five hens and one busy rooster at this time. My White Wyandotte has been sitting on some eggs for 2-21/2 weeks. When I first missed her being in the back yard a couple weeks ago, she was sitting on about a half-dozen but since then she has scooped up eggs from other hens and she now has...
  3. DaddyChicken

    Egg Question

    I have five hens and one busy rooster. My White Wyandotte has been sitting on some eggs for two-and-a-half weeks. When I first missed her in the back yard and found her in the coop, she was sitting on about 6 eggs. Since then other hens have layed near her and she scooped the eggs up and is now...
  4. DaddyChicken

    How does the hawk actually kill a chicken?

    Last Sunday afternoon a hawk killed one of our Barred Rocks. The chickens were free ranging in our back yard and we were preoccupied with our neighbors. When it was all over there was a patch of feathers in the corner of the back yard, then a patch about 20 feet away and then another 20 feet...
  5. DaddyChicken

    "They don't lay in the winter."

    BTW, I didn't say that, I have told that twice since last week by two different people I bought hens from. Both kept their chickens in pens with no coop. It was sad.
  6. DaddyChicken

    A hard lesson

    We were taught a hard lesson in chicken keeping yesterday when our rooster attempted to notify us of a predator and we ignored the warning. Our neighbors had come over and we were talking and my wife and son said they saw our rooster run across the back yard (the chickens were out of the covered...
  7. DaddyChicken

    It was a good weekend

    We have five hens (2-RIR's, 2-BR's and 1-BO), all 22-24 weeks old. One BR and the BO started laying in the begining of October and I could see that the others were showing signs that they were getting ready to start laying (combs getting larger, frequent visits to the coop/nest box and they have...
  8. DaddyChicken

    Black, runny poop

    I did check the poop web site and didn't see any that were like this poop. I don't know which one it is coming from but it doesn't look right to me. What do you think? Flash No flash
  9. DaddyChicken

    BO playing tricks

    10:00 this morning-BO missing from the yard-saw she was on the usual nest that she shares with the BR. 30+ minutes go by and we hear her singing the egg song from inside the coop with the BR on the outside joining in on the song. Before I went to get the egg the BR goes in. An hour later My son...
  10. DaddyChicken

    They're lined up...

    Yesterday our ~24 week old BO squatted and I figured it would be a couple more days before she laid her first egg. Well, about 0930 this morning she went in the coop and while she was on the nest one of our BR's was waiting outside. It's like the other chickens came in the pen for support...
  11. DaddyChicken

    My new pullets

    I gave away three of my RIR roosters and picked up these three 6 month old pullets this morning. RIR RIR Buff Orpington The guy I got them from said the first two are RIR's but they are not colored anything like my roosters. He said he bought them at TSC in April. None have started laying...
  12. DaddyChicken


    Last week I noticed one of our new BR's acting a bit odd. She was making a loud squawk and I noticed her coming closer to me and a couple times she would act like she stumbled and get low to the ground. Well, it finally occurred to me that she was squatting. I had read about "squatting" last...
  13. DaddyChicken

    How does relocating hens effect egg laying?

    Today I got two 22 wk old Barred Rock hens, one laying, one not. How might the relocation effect egg laying? Thanks!
  14. DaddyChicken

    Introduced two new Barred Rock hens to my RIR's

    Found the 22 wk old Barred Rock hens on Craigslist and ended up getting two. One has just started laying and the other hasn't. I didn't have a way to keep them separated from my 5 RIR's overnight so I hope they'll be ok.
  15. DaddyChicken

    What do you think?

    These are two of my 12 wk RIR's. I'm pretty sure the first is a roo and the second is a hen. What do you think? Photographing chickens is really difficult. What do you see in this picture as far as gender goes? Thanks for your expertise!
  16. DaddyChicken

    My 6 wk old chicks are picky with treats.

    Yes, they go crazy over crickets and meal worms and they like red worms but they won't touch anything else. I've tried oatmeal, yogurt, raw peanuts, spinach, boiled egg, cantelope, potatos, tomatos, watermelon, squash and probably a few other things that they have no interest in. Will their...
  17. DaddyChicken

    New 2.5 Gal Feeder

    I put this feeder together yesterday and there is a lot less feed being wasted now. I ended up moving it under the coop so it will be less likely to get wet. The chicks sure do like it...well, I guess they just like the feed.
  18. DaddyChicken

    5 wk old RIR's

    I posted two pictures last week but the chicks have changed so much I thought I would post new ones. So, pullet or roo, your opinions are appreciated. #1 Sarahe #2 Meisje #3 Dora #4 La-La #5 Pat?
  19. DaddyChicken

    Put a cover over the coop/pen.

    I went with poultry net for now because of budget constraints. At least it should keep the hawks and owls out. They are secured in the coop at night. What do you think?
  20. DaddyChicken

    Our chicks waiting-out the rain today.

    Under the coop, their favorite place to chill.
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