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  1. revolutionarygardens

    21 Week Old Americana--Roo??

    Hello All, I just bought five Americana pullets....or so I thought. This one looks like it may be a roo to me, but I am pretty inexperienced and have never had Americanas before. I'm hoping some of you wiser and more experienced folks can help me out! Many Thanks!!
  2. revolutionarygardens

    Hawk Killed One and Wants the Rest

    Yesterday, I found one of my little sweethearts killed. We only have four and this was the one who was always a little behind the others. We called her Slow Poke, and she was a real little doll. At first, we were worried that our dog had killed her first chicken--an idea very upsetting beyond...
  3. revolutionarygardens

    Is this a Dominique?

    Newbie here! I bought four Barred Rock chicks this spring, but I think two of them may be Dominiques. I'm posting a picture of the two ladies in question along with a closeup of the comb of the one who is the most developed. My other two ladies both have the single comb that I've read is...
  4. revolutionarygardens

    Pullet Comb Tips Discolored--Worried!!

    Today I noticed that the comb of one of my pullets does not look right. The tips appear to be purplish. I'm a newbie to chicken raising, but what I've gathered from my reading so far is that this could be a sign of illness. She is acting like her normal self. She first started laying about...
  5. revolutionarygardens

    The Finer Points of the "Egg Squat"

    Of my four barred rock pullets, three are doing the egg squat and two of those are laying. My husband and I have noticed a difference in how they squat though. The two that are laying flip their tails up in the air when they squat, but the one that is not yet laying holds her tail down against...
  6. revolutionarygardens

    13 Week Old Barred Rock: Roo or Pullet?

    I think one of my barred rock "pullets" may be a roo. I'm new to raising chickens and wonder if someone can help me figure this out. He or she is 13 weeks old. Pics below. Thanks!
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