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  1. Southern Gardener

    Are eggs still good?

    I ordered eggs on the internet and they were shipped on the 13th and I received them today. Do you think they are still good to put into the incubator or has too much time passed?
  2. Southern Gardener

    Sick birds? Not sure

    I have 15 hens, my oldest hen stared out with diarrhea and three more have it now. They are loosing feathers on their bums, although my oldest one seems to be over it and her feathers are starting to grow back now. There are NO signs of: blood in poop worms in poop lack of appetite lethargy...
  3. Southern Gardener

    Chicken worming

    I have owned hens for almost three years now (they don't free range) and have never wormed them. I've never seen - nor have I looked for - worms in the poop. I have DE in the coop shavings and give them ACV every now and then. Do I need to be giving them something else and more often? I sell...
  4. Southern Gardener

    Help with run problem - pictures

    I'm having a problem with my run washing and my chickens digging out. Any advice on how I can prevent this would be appreciated. Joan
  5. Southern Gardener

    Old chickens beating up new chickens

    I've separated my four young girls from my older hens. They are in the same run but separated by a fence. They've been separated for a week. My young sweet speckled sussex got into the older girls run and my usually sweet buff orp and australorp almost killed her. I'm so ticked at the older...
  6. Southern Gardener

    Tomorrow is the day

    we process our red broilers and let me tell you I can't wait! It's hot now and they STINK! I doubt I'll ever do these birds again.
  7. Southern Gardener

    Gazillion flies!

    Is anyone else having fly problems? I didn't seem to have such a problem in my old coop - I've spread DE and hung fly strips - they are all over the run too but fortunately don't bother the chickens. Is there anything I can do to get rid of them? I seem to recall early last summer I had...
  8. Southern Gardener

    New chicks! Wow - what an experience!

    Here is the second chick that hatched today at 2pm. Both are doing great and what an awesome thing to see! The Black Copper has not pipped and we are so disappointed but not giving up just yet. I'm ready for more eggs!
  9. Southern Gardener

    Did we mess up the hatch?

    Were we supposed to remove the chick from the bator after it dries? Does this affect the other eggs if the bator is opened? We had another pip in one egg at 12:30am and this morning there is no change. Are we supposed to leave all of the hatched chicks in the bator until all eggs hatch? Thanks!
  10. Southern Gardener

    Posts for run - question

    I'm not sure what I should use for the post on my run. I thought about landscape timbers, but I hate the way they look. Are 4 x 4's overkill? Any suggestions on what to use on a 12' x 21'?
  11. Southern Gardener

    I have a pip in the Brinsea R-Com!

    We're using the Brinsea R-Com that holds only 3 eggs! We bought the eggs from Gabbard Farms. We're so excited! This is our first hatch! Can ya tell I'm excited?
  12. Southern Gardener

    Bator turning eggs every hour

    I have the Brinsea R-Com - the manual says it's supposed to turn the eggs every 3 hours, but they are turning every hour. Will it hurt the eggs/chicks to be turned every hour? Anyone else have this same unit with this problem?
  13. Southern Gardener

    2 Free Splash Maran eggs

    I have 2 extra SM eggs for anyone that wants to come and pick them up. They will be one week old tomorrow.
  14. Southern Gardener

    Trying out the Brinsea R-COM

    We put the 3 eggs in yesterday (Black Copper Maran and Splash Maran) Wish us luck!
  15. Southern Gardener

    5 eggs-3 egg bator - 2 free

    Sis and I ordered 3 eggs from MPC - well they shipped 5, which is great, but we have the Brinsea R-COM bator that only holds 3 eggs. What to do with the remaining 2? Can they be stored? I hate to waste fertile eggs! I still have these 2 eggs if anyone near me would like to come and pick...
  16. Southern Gardener

    WTB nest boxes

    like RHewitts. I really, really, really want some like these! I've posted on craigslist and looked on ebay.
  17. Southern Gardener

    My Pet Chicken

    Anyone ever order eggs from them?
  18. Southern Gardener

    Help with sloping run

    My new run slopes to the right towards the coop if you can tell in the picture. I'm concerned about the soil washing away after the chickens have eaten the grass. Does anyone have any suggestions to keep it from washing? Thanks! Joan
  19. Southern Gardener

    Wild Cochins

    I thought Cochins were supposed to be lovable and cuddly? Mine are wild and skittish as heck. Our Sussex and Wyandotte are friendly as can be and I have handled them all the same. What's up?
  20. Southern Gardener

    Starting my new coop *UPDATE* 7/30

    Here is the floor! it's 10 x 12 and will have a little storage space. My wonderful dad and I are building it together - although he told me "you scare the he** out of me with a hammer"
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