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  1. Wheeler Farms Chickens

    Broiler Feed Ratio?

    I am trying something different with my newest batch of broilers. I am using a Hubbard layer feed with 17% protein and they make a Starting/Growing/Laying Chicken Supplement that is 38% How do figure out how to mix it come out to a 22-27% protein ratio?
  2. Wheeler Farms Chickens

    Dead Chicken...What is the cause?

    I had a chicken die on me today. We had temps of 106. I had ice in their water and they were all panting. This one died next to a Tonka Truck that I use for a nest. Earlier I thought she was just "waiting in line", but I went back in this evening and found her dead. I am guessing it was the...
  3. Wheeler Farms Chickens

    Dead Chicken...What is the cause?

    I had a chicken die on me today. We had temps of 106. I had ice in their water and they were all panting. This one died next to a Tonka Truck that I use for a nest. Earlier I thought she was just "waiting in line", but I went back in this evening and found her dead. I am guessing it was the...
  4. Wheeler Farms Chickens

    Welsummers 8 weeks. Any pullets?

    They all look the same on the back except for the one with the head up. I am guessing that is the only pullet of the bunch. Bottom left chick is the same one with the head up in the pic above. See the feathering difference? Can anyone tell me what I have here?
  5. Wheeler Farms Chickens

    Slipped Tendon?

    This is a two week old lt brahma/ameracauna that we hatched out in an incubator. Today my daughter noticed something wrong with its leg. Any suggestions on what to do?
  6. Wheeler Farms Chickens

    WTB Partridge Rocks Eggs

    Hi, I am looking for a dozen Partridge Rock eggs that I could try to hatch. Please contact me if you have some. I just threw in a price so I could post. Let me know what you will charge. I live in South Dakota. Thanks, Charlie
  7. Wheeler Farms Chickens

    I bought some chickens. What are they?

    I bought some chickens from the spouse of a man who passed away. They lay a huge egg. Any idea what breed they are?
  8. Wheeler Farms Chickens

    Process to incubate?

    I am looking for a thread that describes the process to incubate eggs. I have hens and a rooster. What do I do after that? How do you keep the eggs?
  9. Wheeler Farms Chickens

    Why does she lay her eggs here?

    So, today I discover 20 eggs in the wrong place. Everyone else in laying in the nest box. I have one buff who likes to roost right by the tan box on the 2x4 shown in the first pic below. About two weeks ago I accidently locked her in the garage for a day. I found her that evening when I...
  10. Wheeler Farms Chickens

    1st Egg then NOTHING??

    I got my first egg three days ago and I have not had one since. I added a light to come on from 3am until 730am this morning. They 22 weeks old. 2 lt brahmas, 2 buff orps, 2 new hamp reds and 2 silver laced wyandotts. Is it normal to get one egg and then not get any?
  11. Wheeler Farms Chickens

    Ready to lay eggs?

    My rooster mounted a 20 wk old pullet today. Does that mean she is ready to lay eggs?
  12. Wheeler Farms Chickens

    Spoiled Rotten Chickens!

    I turned a shed into a coop earlier this summer. It has a garage door on the south end. I left it open most of the summer for air circulation. A couple months ago, I was talking with my neighbor who has his own handyman business. I was telling him about my idea for framing in the garage door...
  13. Wheeler Farms Chickens

    Hens flying over the fence.

    My hens have just started flying over the fence into the neighbors yard. I dont want to confine them to their run because I have a big back yard for them to forage in. Any suggestions?
  14. Wheeler Farms Chickens

    First time nest box...roll out or not?

    I should have hens laying in about a month. I am thinking about building the roll out from Opa Wan. Is that ok for first time layers or do they need something different?
  15. Wheeler Farms Chickens

    Old Tires for a Feeder?

    I have three old tires that I need to do something with. Could I cut them in half and use them as feeder for my chickens?
  16. Wheeler Farms Chickens


    This cat was in my garage with the chicks the other day. I have caught it the last two nights in a live trap in my back yard. I guess the owners dont understand the paint. Any suggestions if I catch it again tonight?
  17. Wheeler Farms Chickens

    Did I let the broilers live too long?

    I have slowly been killing off my broilers. I have 7 left that are now 3 months old today. One is not wanting to move at all today. I picked it up and its left leg is limp and the right is not. Did it have a stroke? Did I let it live too long?
  18. Wheeler Farms Chickens

    Lost some more from McMurray

    I lost all my broilers and 1 black sex link on the last shipment from McMurray. I got the replacements today and have already lost one black sex link and one broiler. Is this normal? I guess my first batch of chickens ever was a fluke. I didnt lose a one.
  19. Wheeler Farms Chickens

    Too Long in Shipping? I guess there is a Dead on Arrival club?

    My order of 35 chicks shipped Wednesday from McMurray Hatchery and did not arrive until today. The tag on the box said they were born on Aug 30. The post office told me that the reason they didnt get out to our little post office today was because a flight was late. She added that many of...
  20. Wheeler Farms Chickens

    1% milk from Raw Milk

    How much water do you need to add to raw milk to make it into 1% or 2%?
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