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  1. donnaboydjones

    Hen's cloaca torn and hanging out.

    I have a Americana hen that was attacked about 4 years ago and her flute was injured. Three weeks of living in my bathtub she recovered and doing fine, though her tail feathers grew towards the side because of the injury, but was able to lay and has lived a happy life. Yesterday I came home to a...
  2. donnaboydjones

    Mites infestation on 9 year old rooster.

    This must be my season for bad things to be going on with my flock. Henry, my rooster is 9 and I noticed he was stumbling or laying low to the ground on a few occasions. I assumed it was because of his age.( I have had three jaw surgeries in the past 17 months, so I have hired some HS kids to...
  3. donnaboydjones

    6 Year old Buff Orpington with closed eye.

    I have a 6 year old Buff orpington that has seemed to have had problems with one eye for quite some time now. For the past 3 years or so , her eye has been half closed and I did everything at that time to no avail of having if clear up. It actually wasn't ever fully opened when I rescued her and...
  4. donnaboydjones

    Broody hen attacked in coop by my daughters 6mth old, 30pd puppy while out of town. GRAPHIC PHOTOS

    I have a beautiful and docile Americana that was broody for a week and a half and I had to fly to Florida( Wednesday) for a family/health emergency. Returning home last night, my husband informs me that one of my hens was attacked , but he had no idea how/why/or when. I went to the chicken coop...
  5. donnaboydjones

    Hen just died in you know what this is? WARNING image is graphic.

    Went outside and heard some of my chickens raising a ruckus and found one of my hens a few feet away from the coop door. I picked her up and she was still breathing, but as I held her and tried to find any wounds, I realized she was dying and before I blinked she took her last breath. After I...
  6. donnaboydjones

    Sneaking in 6 day old incubated chicks with hen and her day old hatched chicks

    I incubated and hatched 7 chicks last Thursday and one of my hens hatched 2 yesterday and 4 today. Can I take the incubated chicks and put them with the hen and her chicks? Has anyone done this? Was there good results? Will the mama except them?
  7. donnaboydjones

    Hen with a swollen chest. **pics**

    I have a 11 month old speckled Sussex hen who I noticed looked like she had really big boobs. We know they don't have boobs, so I felt her crop and its HUGE covering her in entire chest. Is this a tumor? What the heck? I'm baffled at what it is and what to do.
  8. donnaboydjones

    HELP!!!! Few hour old chick with swollen belly and a red scab thing ***Pics**.

    I just had a chick hatch on day 23 all by its self and after got all fluffy I took it out of the incubator to put in the broody box when I noticed that one foot was curled in. Got on line to figure out how to fix that, went to splint both feet and flipped it over and thats when I noticed that...
  9. donnaboydjones

    Is this chick in trouble or is this ok? Pictures included.

    Yesterday my Americana eggs start pipping and this morning 4 hatched. This morning I noticed one more had started pipping and then this afternoon another. The first one is still in the same amount of pipping as it has since I noticed it and the second one has already hatched. The first one is...
  10. donnaboydjones

    Can you take incubated eggs that are pipping and put under a broody hen?

    I have some eggs that I'm incubated and today thay started pipping. I also have a hen that "tries" to go broody.....she comes out of the coop with the rest of the flock, but then goes back much later then my other broody hens and then tries to sit on others layed eggs. I pick her up and put her...
  11. donnaboydjones

    Rooster is turning head in a circular motion???!!! Video attached.

    I'm beyond about to break down at this point! First lice and now my sweet rooster is turning his head in a circular motion. Not sure if it's from the lice or if it's something way more serious. I'm going to try and upload the video I just took for a local chicken expert and excuse the baby...
  12. donnaboydjones

    Cold, rainy wet weather and now my chickens have LICE AND I have 3 week chicks!! HELP!!!

    I've gone through the forum about lice and mites and I got a lot of helpful information, I'm still confused. I have a pullet who is sleeping/taking care of her mom's second set of 2 1/2 mth chicks, then I have a hen with 9 , three week chicks and another hen sitting on eggs. I have 2 roosters...
  13. donnaboydjones

    5 day old chick with crusty eyes.

    My turkin hatched 9 chicks , five days ago and last night I noticed one of them had a crusty eye. It was too late to do anything, but I planned on it first thing this morning. When I went out there this morning the same baby had both eyes crusty. The babies and mama are separated from the flock(...
  14. donnaboydjones

    Mites and straw.

    I found mites on some of my chickens yesterday. I was blown away because we completely clean out our coop every other Sunday. I always have new straw layed on the floor and nesting boxes. Is it the straw that is bringing the mites in? What do I use on the floor instead and how in the world do I...
  15. donnaboydjones

    Broody hen at it again.

    I got a americana hen back in August and a month later she went broody and hatched three babies back at the end of Septemeber. Last night, I found her laying on another clutch of eggs. We live in Washington state in the Whidbey Island area and we are about to get our super windy, rainy and...
  16. donnaboydjones

    Broody hen got into wrong box!!!!

    My silver Americana has been sitting on her eggs since the 30th of August. Tonight when I went to lock them up , I checked on her as I usually do through out the Day and she was in another box with another Americans egg that had been laid sometime Today. I grabbed the extra egg out of her clutch...
  17. donnaboydjones

    Limping cockerel

    i have a 5mth Sussex , cockerel, who fell from the roost several days ago, when I lifted him up to the roost. I thought his feet were down, but they weren't, so basically, I dropped him from the top of the roost. Baby roo-roo, is still getting around, but limping and lays down a lot. he's also...
  18. donnaboydjones

    Baby Roo-Roo thinks I'm his....women!

    I have a almost 5mth old cockerel, a speckled Sussex , that I have named Baby Roo-Roo. I always held him and the other 19 chicks from day one. I don't care where he is on our 10 acres, when I call his name, he comes running to me. He sits on my lap, lets me hold him and carry him around. I did...
  19. donnaboydjones

    Best company to order from

    What is the best company to mail order chicks from? Any companies to stay clear of , advice and so on.
  20. donnaboydjones

    Buckeye pullet massacre

    I have 1 adult rooster, 2 cockerels, 5 hens and I did have 14 pullets, that have a almost 500 square foot chicken house with muti roosts and cabinets. I let them out every morning between 8-9 am and they free range (we have 10 acres) until they put themselves to roost where lately has been about...
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