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  1. SouthernCalBeachChick

    To Make An Olive Egger......Legbar?????

    I like the variety of shades in olive eggers. I don't think darker is always better. My favorite olive shade is medium olive green with speckles. I'm trying different pairing for my F3s. This first batch I bred to a cream Legbar roo. Next batch I'll breed to a Marans roo.
  2. SouthernCalBeachChick

    To Make An Olive Egger......Legbar?????

    Since the shells on my F2s are very dark olive green, I was breeding back to blue.
  3. SouthernCalBeachChick

    To Make An Olive Egger......Legbar?????

    I just hatched 7 F3 olive eggers. Dark olive laying hens crossed with Cream Legbar roo. The chicks are all black or blue and barred (white spot on head). Looking forward to see what they lay...:)
  4. SouthernCalBeachChick


    Hillflowerranch, could you pick up 6 for me too? I live in Santa Clarita, so I could meet you anywhere in LA area to pick up :-)
  5. SouthernCalBeachChick

    Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

    Looks like 100% hatch on my Blue Marans! Last one is piping right now :D So far 4 splash, 2 blue, 1 black. SO happy!
  6. SouthernCalBeachChick

    Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

    My Blue Marans are related to George. Is she (!) a splash?
  7. SouthernCalBeachChick

    Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

    My blue marans are hatching at day 20! 4/8 out while I went to Trader Joe's. Such an easy stress free hatch. :-)
  8. SouthernCalBeachChick

    Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

    8 Blue Marans in lockdown for a Monday hatch. 8 Blue / Splash English Opingtons in my other incubator due January 28th. Hatching is SO much fun!
  9. SouthernCalBeachChick

    Ecoglow 20?

    I have the Ecoglow 20 & love it. The chcks are absolutely adorable peeking out from under it. I'm about to order a second Ecoglow 20, since I'm doing staggered hatches. It doesn't seem cheaply made at all and I feel much safer using it inside. I've been happy with all the Brinsea products.
  10. SouthernCalBeachChick

    Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

    I'm 3/4 for my English Orpingtons that went into lockdown. 3 are out and gorgeous. The 4th I was concerned about it, since before lockdown it had no air cell visible, but was clearly alive and moving. After the 3 chicks hatched and dried, I took the last egg out to give it a quick candle and the...
  11. SouthernCalBeachChick

    Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

    Mine are Blue & Splash, pure English from UK imports. Two pips this morning...
  12. SouthernCalBeachChick

    Pip, Pip Hooray! Imported English Orpingtons Hatching!

    I'm doing a staggered hatch: 4 Blue / Splash English Orpingtons on lockdown. One hatched, two pipped. Next Monday I have 8 Blue Marans due.
  13. SouthernCalBeachChick

    Black, Blue and Splash (BBS) Marans discussion thread

    I have 8 Blue Marans eggs hatching right now too. Due on 1/13. 8/9 were fertile & although they're not as easy to candle as lighter eggs, I could easily eliminate the infertile one with my Ovascope.
  14. SouthernCalBeachChick

    Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

    My 2nd English Orpington has pipped! Tomorrow is the 21st & my little early bird is waiting for playmates. It's taking all my self control leaving him/her in the incubator.
  15. SouthernCalBeachChick

    Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

    My first English Orpington just hatched! day 20. Pipped last night. Now she/he is waiting for it's little buddies to pip. So exciting. The little one literally 'kicked' his/her way out.
  16. SouthernCalBeachChick

    Pip, Pip Hooray! Imported English Orpingtons Hatching!

    My first chick just hatched!! Day 20. Now she/he is waiting for his friends to pip.
  17. SouthernCalBeachChick

    Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

    I have 4 blue/ splash English Orpingtons on lockdown. Due tomorrow. One is pipped & I hear peeping! I have 8 BlueMarans in my other incubator, due on the 13th. SO excited!
  18. SouthernCalBeachChick

    Pip, Pip Hooray! Imported English Orpingtons Hatching!

    This is my first ever hatch. I'm using a Brinsea Mini Advance. I ended up getting 2 of those and they're incredibly easy to use. Just add water to one side of reservoir every few days. Temperature is very steady at 99.5. I started with 8 shipped eggs that arrived very carefully wrapped & packed...
  19. SouthernCalBeachChick

    Building My Dream Open Air Coop Today!!

    I'm so excited, I have a coop builder coming to our ranch today to build my dream coop! I'm in Southern California, so our weather conditions are more mild than most, so after years of trial and error I designed a true open air coop. Here are the details & I'll post photos when we're done. 12' X...
  20. SouthernCalBeachChick

    Christmas 2013 Hatch-A-Long!

    I can't believe that I started this thread & I can't participate! On the positive side, they're filming a movie at our ranch! On the negative side, filming brings too many opportunities for power outages. I guess I'll be a week behind you guys, but I'm still going to follow along. Good luck...
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