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  1. sinistershelly

    Sponsored Post Congratulations MamaNini! You won a beautiful coop from Handcrafted Coops!

    I'd have to say my best advice would be, if you want happy chickens, always make sure you don't have too many roosters. From experience and what I have seen, one rooster to every 1-10 hens. And if you can, have the groups separated in their own spaces. Roosters will fight each other! Roosters...
  2. sinistershelly

    One of our chickens doesn't cluck - she screeches!

    I have 3 BR hens and they do a weird screechy growl. They don't sound normal, lol. I have one who is my buddy, Will FLY out of the coop if she hears my coming, will do her growl at my feet and Ill pick her up and cuddle her and she will softly growl to me like she is "talking" or telling me a...
  3. sinistershelly

    IS my silkie a hen

    I know silkies are hard to sex but if my buff cochin roo is mounting one of them already, is it safe to say that that silkie is a hen or is it normal for a roo to mount a boy?
  4. sinistershelly

    Question about my new pregnant goat

    I just bought a new goat. She is supposed to be pregnant but I am having serious doubts and the previous owner is swearing she is. She said she could see and feel the baby moving in her. But when i go to rub her big ol tummy, it feels hollow to me like maybe she is just big. How exactly can I...
  5. sinistershelly

    Frizzle with bloody rear

    she was in an XL dog crate with 3 other lil silkies. The others have been put outside for the day and I put this one in its own medium sized crate. They are all on medicated food atm. I never saw anyone pick on her. They all did just finish a 2 week does of antibiotic because a couple were sick...
  6. sinistershelly

    Frizzle with bloody rear

    Here is a not so good picture after the bath. You can see less red, still bulging and a lot of gooy white stuff.
  7. sinistershelly

    Frizzle with bloody rear

    Not sure of sex or age. Age I would guess 3 maybe 4 weeks old. I just gave it a bath so I could clean up the rear, most of it was blood and a pastey white substance and can see better. it looks almost like the rear end is flipped inside out but is still leaking clear and white pretty badly with...
  8. sinistershelly

    Frizzle with bloody rear

    Anyone? Plz!!!! I was able to inspect a lil closer, I noticed also a clear and whiteish fluid is just seeping and dripping out uncontrollably, any ideas? Should I keep it separate from the others? What is going on with it?
  9. sinistershelly

    Frizzle with bloody rear

    My lil frizzle I noticed today has a bloody rear end. I noticed for the past week it has been slowly losing its feathers on its butt and now today its (anus?) is kind of bulged out and bloody looking. She is also shaking really badly and crying a lot. What do i do?
  10. sinistershelly


    I bathe my silkies because for whatever reason, they feel like they have to take turns sleeping under the roost and end up pooping on each other, so gross. I use my kids no tear shampoo. I just use the largest, not used for food anymore, mixing bowl i have and fill it with the soap and then some...
  11. sinistershelly

    Filthy baby chicks

    I went on Craigslist and found a person selling and wanting to trade some chicks. I ended up bring home 5 lil ones. 2 blue silkies, 1 splash silkie, and 2 splash frizzle cochins. When I went to pick them up, I noticed the cages they were in were really really crowded. They didn't look very dirty...
  12. sinistershelly

    My Favorite animal ::JOKE::

    Lol, Ty. My mother in law sent me that joke and I HAD to share it with my BYC buddies, it was just too perfect not to share.
  13. sinistershelly

    My Favorite animal ::JOKE::

    My Favorite Animal Our teacher asked what my favorite animal was, and I said, "Fried chicken." She said I wasn't funny, but she couldn't have been right, because everyone else laughed. My parents told me to always tell the truth. I did. Fried chicken is my favorite animal. I told my dad...
  14. sinistershelly

    Roo's being mean to girls

    My 4 month old BR's sure are getting big fast. I ordered 9 girls but turned out to get 4 boys in the mix. Well the boys are starting to show their age but, Ive been noticing one roo/cock being a lil aggressive towards the girls. I figured it would just be boys against boys to figure out who the...
  15. sinistershelly

    My lil loner chick :(

    I bought 6 baby chicks a couple weeks ago. I was giving them some outside time separated from my older chickens to get used to each other like suggested. I was inside doing something when I heard really loud chirping like it was in the house with me. It turned out my dog had decided to dig under...
  16. sinistershelly

    Before and....AFTER!!

    I feel your sadness, my dog just killed 5 of my new babys, one was a partridge cochin bantam, and another was a RIR, I was soooo looking forward to watching them grow up too Quote: LOL! It makes me wanna cry!! I had a BPR too! The only BPR I had a dog killed him when he was 6 weeks! He's...
  17. sinistershelly

    Before and....AFTER!!

    This is WarPaint When he first got here Growing Growing And just this morning after he just got fed his morning apples and getting a drink
  18. sinistershelly

    Who needs dirt to dust-bathe - not me!

    This makes me smile and sad, she looks just like my lil partridge cochin bantam named oddball that MY STUPID DOG JUST KILLED YESTERDAY Sorry, Im a tad mad. Cute baby. I love those feet
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