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  1. Bungaree Chickenss Page

    Bungaree Chickenss Page

    Here she is, the work is complete...well we do need to paint it, maybe. I really want to paint a silhouette of a chicken or rooster on the sides of the hen house! I installed roosts yesterday and covered the floor with pine shavings to make them nice and comfy, and also dry out the poop (think...
  2. bungaree chickens

    My Easter Egger, splash Ameraucana (Pics)

    Quote: I have to ask about the chicken that has its rear to the camera in the middle picture. I have one exactly like that that was sold to me as a rir, but I don't think that it is one. (since I have one of those that is actually red). mine has the black in the tail the same way as yours!! I...
  3. bungaree chickens

    EE roo. yes?

    thanks guys!!!
  4. bungaree chickens

    EE roo. yes?

    This is a rooster, I know....but before I give him away (since I can't have roos in town) I just wanted some expert opinions. He is 12 weeks:
  5. bungaree chickens

    are these RIR pullets???Please help (PICS)

    they are 10 weeks, I just realized I was not counting right. do you still think they are roos????
  6. bungaree chickens

    are these RIR pullets???Please help (PICS)

    Okay, so I decided to go back and double check on my week counting skills, and found that I was way off. The two chicks in question will be 10 weeks tomorrow!! Does that make a difference as to what gender you think they are? I am hoping the answer is yes, but if no tell me too. I am sorry to...
  7. bungaree chickens

    Help with this baby?

    my guess would be barred rock, she is so cute!
  8. bungaree chickens

    are these RIR pullets???Please help (PICS)

    Quote: oh, yeah...I would love to see updated pictures of yours, since I do think mine look a lot like yours at the first two stages in the pictures. thanks so much for all your help with this, I never thought it woudl be so hard to get these birds figured out!!!
  9. bungaree chickens

    EE(auracauna) rooster FREE to a good home (corvallis, OR)

    Quote: that's fine. thanks for letting me know!! hope all goes well with you.
  10. bungaree chickens

    are these RIR pullets???Please help (PICS)

    wow, you guys are great! I am still holding on to the idea that they may be pullets, I will post more pictures in a couple weeks, maybe by then it will be more obvious. I think it is funny that it is so hard to tell what they are, as they were supposed to be pullets, and RIRs from a hatchery...
  11. bungaree chickens

    are these RIR pullets???Please help (PICS)

    A couple more pics, just in case they help at all:
  12. bungaree chickens

    are these RIR pullets???Please help (PICS)

    wow, I never knew there were so many breeds that looked so similar, craziness! do you think pullets or roos? I have some more pics that I could put up if that would help?
  13. bungaree chickens

    are these RIR pullets???Please help (PICS)

    thanks johnny! you have tons of them! looks fun. I am confused again now...I guess it really doesn't matter that much, and maybe I will be able to tell better later on. do you think they are roos?!?!
  14. bungaree chickens

    are these RIR pullets???Please help (PICS)

    Quote: oh I bet that is what they are, they look really simillar to mine in both stages!! I really hope they aren't roos. I live in the city and am not allowed to have roos
  15. bungaree chickens

    Pullet or cockerel?

    I would say rooster, but I am not a chicken wiz. I just have chickens that are 17 weeks that hardly have a comb at all, that is the only reason I would guess. But, maybe some develop differently!!
  16. bungaree chickens

    are these RIR pullets???Please help (PICS)

    Quote: yeah. what about you think they are pullets?
  17. bungaree chickens

    EE(auracauna) rooster FREE to a good home (corvallis, OR)

    Quote: yeah, I know. I just know that the people on here are much more into chickens than the general craigslist audience. But if I don't get any takers on here I might have to. I have a while, he hasn't actually crowed yet so I think it is okay, but at any time I know he will!! takers??
  18. bungaree chickens

    are these RIR pullets???Please help (PICS)

    I think sex links are darker too...but maybe that is right. I was wondering if they are Buff Orpingtons?? (not sure on the spelling of that) They are even lighter than the pictures show.
  19. bungaree chickens

    are these RIR pullets???Please help (PICS)

    I bought these from a local hatchery as Rhode Island reds, but they don't look like any that I have seen. I thought they would get darker, but they aren't..what do you think they are? They are 7 weeks. They are supposed to be pullets, I am a little worried that they aren't that either. The...
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