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  1. Eggs-quisite Eggs-cursion

    Feed for broody with chicks?

    This may not apply to you at all since I don't know your set up. But what I do is keep mom and baby in a small ark with access to fress growing grass. Both mom and babies are fed chick starter without any medication. I move the ark to fresh grass every couple of days. After two - four...
  2. Eggs-quisite Eggs-cursion

    50 post per page

    What? Seriously? Huddler doesn't test their service using Firefox? That seems nonsensical to me. Anyway, if setting it to 50/75/100 messages per page isn't going to be a feature available to all, then that will curtail my time spent at BYC. And I surely shouldn't pay just for that feature...
  3. Eggs-quisite Eggs-cursion

    50 post per page

    Where do you set it to 100 posts? I've looked everywhere! Please.
  4. Eggs-quisite Eggs-cursion

    Would my chicken intentionally kill me if he weighed 300 lb instead...

    Then there was this 300-pound chicken pecking at my stove, making lots of rattling noises. I was sitting just a few feet away, previously engrossed in a movie on Netflix, as I realized that my chickens were loose and in the house, the fear welled up in me. Huge gigantic fear. And this was...
  5. Eggs-quisite Eggs-cursion

    Mutt Chickens and Combining Breed Names

    Quote: Ah, but if you keep two separate lines of mutts you can still experience hybrid vigor with "nothing but mutts."
  6. Eggs-quisite Eggs-cursion

    Mutt Chickens and Combining Breed Names

    Quote: Naked Aust-rolle-horn, but pronounced Nekkid Aus-troll-ern. Or Naked Aussie Salmon Legs.
  7. Eggs-quisite Eggs-cursion

    Breed Origins Thread

    Quote: Yep. Bessemer is a lovely name and, along with the features of the breed, can make is a more desirable choice than, say, a chicken breed named after a person who committed nefarious deeds. I don't know of any breeds named after the less reputable; what breed(s) do you mean? Or is that...
  8. Eggs-quisite Eggs-cursion

    Breed Origins Thread

    Quote: Yep. Bessemer is a lovely name and, along with the features of the breed, can make is a more desirable choice than, say, a chicken breed named after a person who committed nefarious deeds.
  9. Eggs-quisite Eggs-cursion

    Breed Origins Thread

    Quote: I like the name. Surely you didn't name it after that giant of the Industrial Revolution, Sir Henry Bessemer, after which the Bessemer process was named?
  10. Eggs-quisite Eggs-cursion

    my Eikenburger bantams are here! *photos added at last!!*

    Thanks for sharing the photographs. We don't get to see many photos of this breeds. Those are pretty chickens. Those beaks ... so white. Are the eyes black or red? Congratulations!
  11. Eggs-quisite Eggs-cursion

    Frozen Latch Help

    Quote: Using the dogs as a guideline is a great idea. I tend to keep the chickens in if snow would blow in the door onto the shavings. The hens keep it warm enough on many freezing days to get it above freezing in the coop and that snow will melt and cause a health hazard with wet...
  12. Eggs-quisite Eggs-cursion

    Best broody egglayer?

    Quote: All chickens are different and my backyard and coop is different from yours, etc. It's hard to compare. However, my 2 1/2 year old Sussexes aren't good broodies at all. I have two. One went broody once this summer. She sat on the eggs in an old unused outbuilding. She had nothing...
  13. Eggs-quisite Eggs-cursion

    Soy Based Chick and Layer Feed

    Quote: has no-soy and no corn organic feed. They're out of a little town just a few miles south of The Dalles, Oregon.
  14. Eggs-quisite Eggs-cursion

    Feather Loss - Help Please!

    Quote: I have no clue about the vent picking since you say they are all on the same roost. They can't possibly be doing that at night if they're all on that same roost. I think vent picking is the proper term, but I'm not sure. You could do a search on that or a post a question on that...
  15. Eggs-quisite Eggs-cursion

    Feather Loss - Help Please!

    Some thoughts. Maybe the feather loss started as damage from the rooster on the lower backs and then progressed to overly aggressive preening of themselves. I've had chickens do that and just pluck out their own feathers. Some will say that it's a lack of protein, where they will eat their...
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