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    Isabella coloring

    Isabella to Isabella will breed true but in the early stages, you'll need to breed your Isabella pattern birds back to Yellow Partridge or Brown Leghorn foundation birds. Isabella males to Brown Leghorn hens and Isabella Hens to Brown Leghorn Cock birds. You'd take the males from the Brown...

    Help- my chickies have mites!

    If you need stuff in a hurry for mites and lice, Tomato Dust works beautifully. The Pyrethrin compound present is the same in Tomato Dust as dedicated Poultry Dust. To have both products effective, you need to dust chickens weekly, remove and replace bedding and dust the perches weekly. Do...

    I think I found a miracle cure for feather picking

    If you're concerned about adding protein, pre or postbiotics or any other worry, try adding a small amount of dolomite into the morning mash. Yes, the same dolomite as you would add to the garden. This has proven in Australia to stop feather picking dead in its tracks with no adverse effects...

    Why are my chickens so picky?

    The only comment that I'd make is that Milo is of very doubtful value to laying hens and pullets. They don't digest it well and what they do digest isn't much good to them. Personally, I'd mix your own scratch with the major component being wheat followed by cracked or whole corn (5-10%) and...

    soft eggs

    Watch a chicken that gets into sunlight after being in shade and see what they do naturally. They sun bake and dustbath. Mine get sun on their backs at least once a day for 2-4 hours and they revel in it. It's good to do that for them if you are able. As for the soft eggs, it's probably just...

    Speckled sussex???

    I think that it's male and not a pure SS rooster. I couldn't say what exactly is in it's bloodline, SS definitely but not pure... Cheers, Linz :)

    Speckled Sussex

    I have 4 of these birds and have raised them from small birds. I would say that she's a pullet. The neck feathers are pullet and so is the face color. Cheers, Linz :)

    Sour cream??

    Yes, as is Natural Yoghurt and it's very good for them. Whenever feeding non-chicken foods to them, mostly be aware of the sugar content (if any) and keep them away from sugars (as found in flavored Yoghurt). I feed my birds year round on a wet mash which has milk powder added. Dairy is very...

    Why do you guys give your chickens apple cider vinegar?

    Haemony, it must be my Australian way of writing. I didn't mean that there was special ACV for chickens at feed stores, I meant we use the horse stuff. I also put a dessertspoonful of (horse) seaweed meal in with their mash every day. Trace elements and vitamins straight from the ocean. I get a...

    Why do you guys give your chickens apple cider vinegar?

    We buy our chicken ACV from horse feed stores here in Australia. The stuff you buy for human consumption in supermarkets and stores here is no good for birds. I buy it in 5 litre containers for about $27.00. That's about 1.32 US Gallons for y'all in the States. For some really healthy birds...

    Silver Sussex (sexing chicks or young birds)

    Sorry if this is in the wrong place but I'd appreciate some help please. My experience with Silver Sussex is limited to a couple of hens that I own and some that friends have. I'd like to buy some chicks and raise them myself next year instead of buying POL as I usually do. Given my limited...

    Orpington Broodiness

    Getting your chickens warmer can set of broodiness in some breeds. I don't know what you're feeding them but cracked corn will get mine broody quickly. I think that your younger hens are too young to go broody so I wouldn't get your hopes up there for at least another 6-8 months. Maybe restrict...

    How close are we to getting our first egg?

    You can tell how close your pullets are to laying by the width of their pelvic bones. You pick one up (or better yet, have someone else pick it up) and present it's rear end to you. Feel around the top sides of her vent until you feel the pointy pelvic bones. The method is based on how many...
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