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  1. chickaddicted

    Celebrity Game

    Alexander the Great
  2. chickaddicted

    I feel so upset now, regarding neighbors.

    I always wonder if the folks that think chickens are diseases and nasty have other pets? (I have all of them....) Dogs can bring you infections from hookworms...just walking barefoot where they've pooped in the past few years. Cats all carry the parasites that cause might...
  3. chickaddicted

    Celebrity Game

    Nelson Mandela
  4. chickaddicted

    Ok...Can't stand it anymore...What...Who is DH????

    Here I feel really silly, cuz I thought it might mean dumb in he just doesn't understand the chicken thing! LOL:he
  5. chickaddicted

    Celebrity Game

    Thomas Jefferson
  6. chickaddicted

    Celebrity Game

    Sarah Ferguson
  7. chickaddicted

    Experiences with town zoning not allowing chickens?

    Sadly this country is all fowled up...sorry couldn't resist!! But really, 50 or 60 yrs ago it was common to have a few chickens, even if you lived in a town/city, now people are so separated from reality they think chickens are bad/dirty/evil! I've had more problems with domestic animals...
  8. chickaddicted

    Celebrity Game

    Yogi Berrera
  9. chickaddicted

    Celebrity Game

    Alan Thicke
  10. chickaddicted

    laying hens for sale in north georgia

    How many Buff Orpingtons do you have and what town are you near? It's a drive up that way from here.
  11. chickaddicted

    laying hens for sale in north georgia

    What kind of hens are they and how old? Thanks!
  12. chickaddicted

    Celebrity Game I go with Yung Geezie for the 'Y' .............or Omar Shariff for the 'O'?!?!!! Omar Shariff wins by a feather!
  13. chickaddicted

    Well, I did it!

    I had to call the codes enforcement office for my county...under an alias (of course!). If you live in a city or town ,imits you may want to check both the county and the city ordinances as they can differ greatly. (If I lived in the town limits chickens would be okie dokie, but outside in a...
  14. chickaddicted

    Celebrity Game

    Mr. Ed
  15. chickaddicted

    Well, I did it!

    HUGE sigh of relief! I thought hubby and I were the only chickenals (chicken criminals)! I don't even live in a city limits...if I did chickens would be legal...go figure. Nice quiet girls is all I hope for and you're darned right they'll be lots quieter than the neighbors with barking...
  16. chickaddicted

    Celebrity Game

    Mama Cass
  17. chickaddicted

    Exterminator's a-comin

    I hate using any kind of pesticides and use lots of boric acid around my critters, including birds and cats, which are both really sensitve to the nasty stuff. It works by drying up the bugs insides and works on roaches, ants, spiders, basically any bug that runs through it and cleans itself...
  18. chickaddicted

    where can i buy only a few chicks?

    Ideal will also sell chicks in small quantities and has lots to choose from, they require a $25 min order, but from what I've read on their site you could order a book to make up the difference in $$. Also, check to see if your state has a farm bulletin, usually through the department of...
  19. chickaddicted

    Can Anyone Tel Me How To Sex Hatchlings?

    I have found a local man that has a flock of buff orpingtons and he is hatching chicks, but since I am in a suburban area I only want pullets. Since they obviously aren't going to step up and tell me what they are I'm needing advice on how to tell them apart, and since I can get them as soon as...
  20. chickaddicted

    Confused by possibly conflicting info - heights for roosts/boxes

    I am planing a small heay bodies flock of 5 to 6 hens. I was all set on having the nest boxes and the roosts starting at 24 in. off the coop floor that seems to be prevailingwsdom. Then I read in another post here that since they often jump off the nest/roost instead of using provided ramps it...
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