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  1. totribet

    Not sure what to do

    Thank you for your help!
  2. totribet

    Not sure what to do

    Thank you for replying!! I went out there and candled it. Here are some pics. It’s definitely moving around in there.
  3. totribet

    Not sure what to do

    Earlier this week I was picking up eggs in the coop that the broody had abandoned. One of them started chirping at me so I took it quickly to the incubator and it hatched a couple of hours later no problem. A second one was candled and there were veins and movement so it’s currently in the...
  4. totribet

    July Hatch-a-Long (including 4th of July hatch-a-long)

    My second set of shipped eggs came in early so I’m starting my incubator today. These eggs look really good and she sent me three extra. My incubator only holds 22 so the rest will go under my broody. Wish me luck. I so wanna hatch a chick.
  5. totribet


    I’m putting shipped eggs in the incubator on Wednesday. I’ve never had a successful hatch and I’ve never used shipped eggs. I have a new incubator. The nurture right 360. I’m cautiously hopeful but more worried I will have the same results as in the past. I’m a hot mess over these eggs. I’ve...
  6. totribet

    Show off your roosters

    This is Tony
  7. totribet

    Getting to know my new incubator in preparation for filling it next week. This will be my fifth...

    Getting to know my new incubator in preparation for filling it next week. This will be my fifth try. First time with this incubator. I’ve never successfully hatched even one baby. I’m a nervous wreck.
  8. totribet

    July Hatch-a-Long (including 4th of July hatch-a-long)

    I will be filling my new incubator next week with shipped eggs. The first batch came in pretty beat up today. The rest should be here on Wednesday so I will miss the July 4th hatch. I’m terrified. I have a new incubator and in my old one I never had a single successful hatch. I’m hoping my luck...
  9. totribet

    First time hatching eggs!

    That’s great. Hopefully you have better luck this time. I’m placing my very first batch in the incubator on Thursday of this next week. I’m super excited too and scared. I’ve never successfully hatched any at all. I tried several times in my old incubator. Just bought a new one this past week...
  10. totribet

    2 broody hens...1 clutch

    I have a hen that's been sitting for three weeks apparently about 3 days ago another hen went broody and now they are sitting on top of each other on top of the eggs. Today is hatch day but I dont know if any will hatch. I saw a broken egg shell just now so I'm assuming one had hatched but I...
  11. totribet

    Naked neck babies!

    I'm treating mine just like my other chicks .They are now about ten weeks old and thriving .
  12. totribet

    Just wondering the gender...

    About 9 weeks
  13. totribet

    The Duck Thread

    Does anyone know what kind this guy is? Just bought him(?) this morning and he is just gorgeous and sweet.
  14. totribet

    Placed 36 eggs today......

    I may have found the problem. Noticed this morning that the heating coil thingy had come lose and was really near to the eggs. Repaired that and hoping it will fix the problem. We will see.
  15. totribet

    Placed 36 eggs today......

    I did check the thermometers before using them following the advice from here. It seems to have cooled down this afternoon. The incubator is not near any Windows at all and sitting in a bathtub I can't use right now because it leaks. I am going to keep a close eye on it.
  16. totribet

    Placed 36 eggs today......

    In my Little Giant incubator. I've been unsuccessful 3 times prior to this and haven't even attempted it again for a couple years. That being said my incubator seems to be running hot. And the decrease temp knob is as far down as it can go. Seems to be running 110 or so. Any ideas how I can cool...
  17. totribet

    (warning gross pics attached) Help duckling got injured by a Crow

    Just an update. It's been a week and Fredrick and Chi-Chi are not only still alive but growing like weeds. Fredrick's back still looks kinda gross. But he doesn't seem to mind. My phone won't let me add a pic. But I will later. Thanks all who helped me
  18. totribet

    (warning gross pics attached) Help duckling got injured by a Crow the ducks soaked and cleaned. Frederick did NOT like us doctoring him....and you can see the bone sticking out. But we cleaned it good and put the antibiotic cream and saline. He's still VERY feisty and running around. I put some electrolytes in their water. Chi-Chi's leg is...
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