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  1. DirtDiva

    Breaking Broody Barnavelder Hen

    One of our Barnavelder hens has gone broody. Tried removing her from next, placing her in run with the other hens, removing eggs......she's still broody. Have read where one should remove hen and place in small confined area, like large dog kennel, with no bedding to nest in. Also heard about...
  2. DirtDiva

    Sudden Death in Year Old Hen

    no, didn't do an autopsy, just checked her over. talked to my neighbor, "THE Chicken Lady". :) She said it just sometimes happens. Figured that's what likely occurred, some defect. We have a Speckled Sussex that can't process leafy greens. Her crop tends to impact when she eats them and...
  3. DirtDiva

    Sudden Death in Year Old Hen

    Our year old Easter Egger hen died suddenly today. Noticed she was a tad listless yesterday, and this morning worse. She wouldn't leave the coop when we let them out this morning. Instead, she stayed inside coop and sat on floor, motionless and listless. We were gone for several hours and...
  4. DirtDiva

    Automatic Coop Door Openers

    We are building a new coop, thinking about installing automatic coop door opener. Any recommendations which work best? Pros/Cons in installing one? We don't mind letting the girls in/out the coop, but since building new coop, thought about this option. thanks!
  5. DirtDiva

    Nest Boxes - When should we put them in coop?

    Our girls are 13 weeks old. Haven't installed nest boxes yet as we want to avoid them roosting in them ...when should we install them?
  6. DirtDiva

    Advice please - Got chicks Apr 18, already lost 2

    Advice please - 16 chicks arrived April 18, all healthy, alert. They've been eating, pooping, drinking, sleeping fine. We've had cool days and nights, then temps warm back up. Have heat lamp at one end of brooder, food/water at other end and midway. Found one unresponsive this morning, later...
  7. DirtDiva

    Chickenholic and haven't gotten chicks yet!

    getting 2 each Standard Americauna, EE, RIR, BR, Welsummer, Speckled Sussex, Barnevelder thinking about 4 Bantams - EE, Welsummer, BR, Frizzle wasn't getting Standards vaccinated for Mereks...should I??
  8. DirtDiva

    Chickenholic and haven't gotten chicks yet!

    Our standard chicks (14) are due to arrive mid-April from Meyer Hatchery. I am itching to add 4-5 bantams to the order, but they don't have the ones I'd particularly enjoy having. Ideal does. Would it be a bad idea to order from two different hatcheries? Ideal could ship bantams now. OR...
  9. DirtDiva

    looking for Pics for idea for inside new coop

    ck out our coop/run:
  10. DirtDiva

    The Best Little Hen House in Texas - Our New Coop and Run

    Thanks all for your compliments on the house and run! My hubby did a fantastic job.
  11. DirtDiva

    The Best Little Hen House in Texas - Our New Coop and Run

    Guess we'll find out how good it is at keeping predators out. It's primarily to keep hawks/owls out. Hot wire and Nite Guard will be installed to keep night critters out. There are several sites online to purchase different types/strengths of aviary netting. Ordered pullets so don't PLAN...
  12. DirtDiva

    Post your Pop Door (and lock) pics

    Here's our pop door. Padlock installed at night....we live in coon country!
  13. DirtDiva

    The Best Little Hen House in Texas - Our New Coop and Run

    Here are some pictures of our new coop and run. My husband insulated the coop and installed windows and vents for ventilation. The coop is raised off the ground to allow hens shade and dust bath. He covered the windows with hardware cloth. The run will be covered with aviary netting. There...
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