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  1. thechickenwhisperer24

    Swollen feet on hen, help please!

    So my 2 and half year old BO has really swollen feet. Like really bad. She barely walks and the other hens are beating her up. I'm really worried about her because she seems way lighter than she was and doesn't roost anymore. There are no open sores or anything on her feet. We don't have a vet...
  2. thechickenwhisperer24

    Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

    That is hilarious! Nambroth, I think I have the same BR situation as you. I have an inquisitive, smart, fast BR who is skinny and we named Six after our fastest A.T.V., just like your Chickadee. Seyda, the other one, is just like Moa. She is the boss, she doesn't like being held and protests...
  3. thechickenwhisperer24

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    That is the best idea I've heard in a while. You must post it!
  4. thechickenwhisperer24

    Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

    Oh my goodness! She is sooooo fluffy! I agree with the auction thingie, we will have new Derp friends!
  5. thechickenwhisperer24

    Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

    YAY!! I met a girl today who is getiting chickens...I would expect to see her on here soon
  6. thechickenwhisperer24

    Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

    Yay new Derp story! I laughed so hard when I read the word pantaloons.
  7. thechickenwhisperer24

    Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

    You are very busy! I hope that you at least has an okay time while you were traveling. This week I wasn't on my laptop or anything for almost two days and I felt very derprived...
  8. thechickenwhisperer24

    Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

    Hahaha my parents banned me from having caffiene on long drives because I thought I ordered something decaf and then we decided it wasn't because I told the same joke about thirty times. Though that may have been because I had my most crazy friend with me at the time. Sorry that was veeeeery off...
  9. thechickenwhisperer24

    My EEs - the prettiest birds in my flock, such beautiful patterns they have. Similar, hawklike expre

    I have seven EE's that are just over a year old and they are very grouchy. My Sooty is pretty similar to the one in the first picture and looks like a hawk more than the rest. They all have different markings. I have one buff named Abagail and six brown variations. Tessa has blonde cheek floof...
  10. thechickenwhisperer24

    Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

    I want a Derp! Good luck with making them Fud Lady!
  11. thechickenwhisperer24

    Sudden Pullet Death

    Thanks! I'll have to look that up.
  12. thechickenwhisperer24

    Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

    I really hope so, thank you so much. If anybody has any ideas, please check the thread in my signature.
  13. thechickenwhisperer24

    Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

    I 've had 23 hens... (red means deceased) Red Stars- Molly and Lily RIR- Flower and Sassy BO- Lady and Yolanda BR- Seyda and Six White Rock- Elenor White Leghorn- Amelia Australorp/Jersey Giant- Renee, Cha-Cha (Chachie) and Morgan NH Reds- Pippa and Sylvia EE- Abagail, (Miniature) Becca, Kayla...
  14. thechickenwhisperer24

    Remembering the Chickens You've Lost

    She was a pretty girl, and what an adorable outfit! How do you make those? When we had the attack, the birds were very upset and VERY quiet. They are always very sad when they lose a friend, some think they don't know but they do. I'm sorry for your loss.
  15. thechickenwhisperer24

    Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

    I randomly lost an EE pullet (link down below) so I'm looking for the right opportunity to get a SF. I need a new lap chicken because Lady has been very grumpy lately and Molly doesn't like the heat. Anyways, I hope the Fud Lady is having a good time providing for her chickies.
  16. thechickenwhisperer24

    Sudden Pullet Death

    We buried her last night.
  17. thechickenwhisperer24

    Regarding Political Related Topics

    I have left sites because I have been flamed without reason too many times. Thank you to all the people who are putting a stop to this nonsense.
  18. thechickenwhisperer24

    Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

    You are EXACTLY right! Speaking of, has anyone seen the Fud Lady lately?
  19. thechickenwhisperer24

    Remembering the Chickens You've Lost

    LOL! We brought my Molly to our Cape house last summer when she was recovering from the five inch gash she received from the mystery predator that took Elenor. We were bored once so we put Molly (a skinny pullet) on Lola's back. I don't even think she noticed until my mom got a camera (she has...
  20. thechickenwhisperer24

    Remembering the Chickens You've Lost

    My Golden Retriever couldn't care less about the chickens, if anything she protects them. She runs around chasing other dogs away and sniffing for predators. When the girls are free-ranging they will sneak up behind her and peck her tail. When she wags it they run and cluck dramatically.
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