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  1. SA newbie

    I have to disagree- sorry! At 4 weeks I switch mine to crumbles and throw it in the tractor on the grass- keeps them all busy!!! And there is nothing left and my growth is on target. At 6 weeks I switch them to pellets- even better! They stare at it the first day and lift their noses in disgust-...
  2. SA newbie

    *Set eggs Tonight (Nov. 23rd) Any one due around Dec. 14th??*

    Congrats on your hatch! My first fuzzy butt hatched 3 hours ago, and got 3 external pips. Still waiting not very patiently for the last 2 to get moving! So excited- this was my first incubation!
  3. SA newbie

    crossing BA roo with RIR hen

    Hey all anyone ever done this cross or the other way round? Have both breeds and they both lay well so was wondering about their potential?
  4. SA newbie

    *I give up! Am I killing my eggs?!*

    I'm in South Africa, its our summer rainy season and the weather is hot and rainy so temp and humidity is up and down with the ambient temp and humidity, eggs are fertile, candled yesterday, but scared I'm going to fry them at 104F and then it drops to 95F. Humidity won't come down from 48%...
  5. SA newbie

    *I give up! Am I killing my eggs?!*

    Got a batch of 21 in on day 5 too and struggling with the temps too. Got three themometers in digital and two murcury, digital always a deg celsius higher, keeps hitting 104 F- did a quick mobile phone conversion. Does the humidity affect the temp and visa versa?
  6. SA newbie

    Is it hard to hatch with a broody hen?

    Try and move her and pop the eggs under her at night. Found that they do better if secluded, no interruptions! Had a broody who hatched 8 out of 9 BA's on Saturday- all healthy and doing well! Ninth egg wasn't fertile! So much easier, got some in the bator and the broody is MUCH easier, sit back...
  7. SA newbie

    ok I put my eggs in//anybody else starting this week???

    Set 21 yesterday morning. Having humidity and temp issues, temp not holding and humidity high, but outside humidity is 75+ so reduced water. May try that hairdryer idea- sounds like an option!
  8. SA newbie

    Hen might be walking funny for a while :)

    What did it weigh? Got one like that 2 wks ago and hen laid as per usual the next day! They not as woosy as us human girls!
  9. SA newbie

    egg weight standard

    Two weeks ago had a 101g double yolker from my Black Austrolorp! Had never seen anything like that before! Longer than a standard wooden washing peg! My son had lunch immediately!
  10. SA newbie

    Is it true?

    Yes I've witnessed it amongst 8-9 wk old ckicks, one cockerel - Pecker" thought he was dominant, pesked open the neck of two other girl chicks, got banished to the broody hen cage and returned 5 days later to discover he's no longer in the upper ranks but at the bottom! Now we have peace amongst...
  11. SA newbie

    Now I'm Not Sure: Buy Chicks Or Pullets

    In September I bought 23 pullets (12wk) and 100 straight run day olds. The day olds are now 8 wks and thriving with no problem except being naughty! Have already lost 4 of the pullets to disease and will never again buy pullets. A breeder that I'm getting 100 RIR and BA chicks from later this...
  12. SA newbie

    When keeping a flock of layers.... POLL

    Try finding anything in South Africa that doesn't relate to broiler house chicken keeping- organic feed evokes a complete blank- and don't even mention pastured poultry or chicken tractors! Double blank stare. We make our own feeders and waterers. Meds involves little sachets you mix with the...
  13. SA newbie

    Can a chicken be too fat to lay an egg?

    Yip too fat is a problem! Had my one BA "Fat Feathers" yes aptly named on diet now for a month with excercise and she has started to lay again. Cut any corn and treats out completely, just give the layer feed and nothing else except what she can get through foraging- makes her get some...
  14. SA newbie

    How much does daylight affect egglaying

    I live a stone's throw away from the Tropic of Capricorn, and we do get a lot more natural light. Winter time we looking at sunrise at about 6:20am and sunset about 6pm or so. So we get at worst 11 1/2 hours of light, summer about 13 hours. I would use a little light in the early morning if I...
  15. SA newbie

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    3 from my 4 big girls, 2 BA and 2 BR AND 6 of my 17 Boschvelder pullets laid their first egg today!!!
  16. SA newbie

    I am trying my first incubation! UPDATE

    Hi all, also busy with my first incubation but only day 3 tomorrow. So will only candle on Monday night- hope all is well, got 18 in, considering I lost 24 to the dog this week I'm hoping for a good hatch, got a broody on day 11 with BA eggs under her, bator has BA and BR in, hubby busy with a...
  17. SA newbie

    Crying... everything is dead. UPDATE POST #54

    So sad for you- understand exactly, moved our tractor on Wednesday morning and didn't realise the grass wasn't totally level! Went to town and came home to the yard strewn with my 7 week old pullet bodies! 24 gone- our labby had a field day! We bought 100 straight run and ended up with about 60...
  18. SA newbie

    split incubation and lockdown- hatching

    Hi all, setting our first eggs tomorrow Wednesday 16 Nov, but we only have 18 eggs and the bator can take 50. They say that we can use cardboard partitions to set at weekly intervals. Now that would suit me great, but what happens with lockdown and hatching when we push the humidity up. As it is...
  19. SA newbie

    Incubating pullet eggs

    Awesome thanks, hopefully the bator arrives tomorrow- postal service very pathetic in SA! Will keep updated as to how they do!
  20. SA newbie

    Incubating pullet eggs

    Hi all, new to incubating and wondering if I can incubate pullet eggs. We have a BA pullet, been repeated mated by virile BA cock, a BR pullet with a young hen and BR cock, and a group of Boschvelders who will reach POL this week, 2 cocks to 17 pullets who enjoy doing the deed! Boschvelders are...
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