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  1. Currituck Bunny Barn

    Do You Take Newborn Chicks Away From A Broody Hen??

    I have a broody Buff Orpington setting on 13 mail order eggs. I can't wait until they hatch. I am a newbee and this is my first incubation of eggs. My hen has gone broody twice before so she was delighted with something besides golf balls. I had an area already set up with a brooder coop and...
  2. Currituck Bunny Barn

    Duck House/Pond Page Contest Spring/Summer 2012 - $20 BYC Store Gift Certificate

    Stumpy, I love your avatar . Wallace and Gromitt Wrong Trousers.
  3. Currituck Bunny Barn

    Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

    When you just got into chickens and you are totally obsessed already. My first 6 are only 3 months old I am already bringing up 6 more and I wish I had room for more. They are the best entertainment. I am already rabbit obsessed but chickens are so cool in a different way.
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