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  1. LolaIsAChicken

    does weather affect egg production

    My hens stop laying when the weather gets cold or miserable. It seems when they are happy they lay. They did get a bit of frostbite on their crowns and they stopped laying till it healed. Even the rooster stopped crowing till he felt better.
  2. LolaIsAChicken

    Getting my hen to lay in the coop

    I am having the same problem, I will await some responses also :)
  3. LolaIsAChicken

    I'm In Lockdown!

    I am in lockdown and am worried that they are not alive. Day 20 and no movement. I did have some temperature problems but they seemed to be alive on day 14. I am doing a still air incubation in one I made out of a small cardboard box with a chandelier bulb. So impatient!
  4. LolaIsAChicken

    How High is too high??

    I built an incubator out of a box and today is day 19. The temperature has fluctuated quite a bit since the the house temperature has not remained steady. At times I would check and it was way too high but the chickens still seemed to grow (I candled). Out of 8, 6 eggs were alive at day 7. Have...
  5. LolaIsAChicken

    Hen gone haywire!!!

    I have totally had a similar experience with Jeanie right before she laid her first egg. Not certain if your Judi has started laying but more than likely by that time. Just keep her separated for a bit and keep an eye on her. Hopefully she is not sick.
  6. LolaIsAChicken

    Lolaisachickens Member Page

    Magical Chicken Village The Chicken Village is created mostly from recylced materials. An old dog house with story built on, a shed salvaged into an A frame tractor. It seemed better to have them all put together to a stationary formation. The A-Frame makes an excellent brooder box and the...
  7. LolaIsAChicken

    i dont get it

    I had the same thing happen to chicken Jeannie. I saw her one morning and she was bleeding from her comb. After I washed her off and kept her in a box in the kitchen, I figured that perhaps it was caught on some chicken wire as I didn't see any sign of biting or other bruising. She healed just...
  8. LolaIsAChicken

    What are your chickens' favourite treats?

    The chickens love sunflower seed crumbles and fruit like papaya and tomatoes. They go crazy for kitchen scraps, fish, bread, cheese!
  9. LolaIsAChicken

    How many chickens for a first timer?

    Very nice coop area! I started with 6 hens and 9 chicks but I had less space than you. I would do a couple dozen at least if I had the space like you do. Depends on what kinds I guess.
  10. LolaIsAChicken

    New member and clueless new chicken owner

    Welcome, well you know that chicken rearing is addictive! This is the right place to be for information, it helped me so much!
  11. LolaIsAChicken

    How to hatch eggs. i desperately need help!!

    I am assuming you have a rooster. I would leave 6 or 7 eggs in a nest and see if someone sits on them. I have two hens that like to sit on eggs and get nasty if you take them away. I just had a fall hatch of a surprise 3 chicks from eggs they hid from me. When they raise them it is really no...
  12. LolaIsAChicken

    Will My Cracked Egg Still Hatch?

    Oh I am so glad I found this. I accidently dropped the egg (wanda) on the candler and it cracked the end. I am going to wax it, it is day 9 and I was heartbroken! New hope!!
  13. LolaIsAChicken

    Tell me about Bantam egg laying, please

    Even though this is a super old topic, I am going to comment! I have a mix of mutt bantams that I consistently get eggs out of. It is Jan 1 and they are still laying. They have bred themselves and raised chicks, their eggs are super market size small. They cost me nothing to feed except for...
  14. LolaIsAChicken

    how old does a ROOSTER have to be to fertalize? NOT A HEN!!!!!

    I am certain that her eggs are totally fertilized. You save some at room temperature then throw them in an incubator. You will be very surprised that they are fertile! If he is mounting her they are breeding.
  15. LolaIsAChicken

    how old does a ROOSTER have to be to fertalize? NOT A HEN!!!!!

    My roosters starting breeding at about 17 weeks and the hens about 18 to 20 weeks to lay. I find the roosters are faster in reaching maturity.
  16. LolaIsAChicken

    what do you use for bedding in your coop straw or shavings?

    I use softwood shavings, for the nests I use shredded straw. Works perfectly!!
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