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  1. tobyandbarb

    Recycling egg shells

    I have been carefully breaking off just the top third of the eggshell, rinsing out the larger part, drying and saving to plant seeds in this spring. I am hoping the shell will be enough space to start seedlings and then I can put the whole thing in the ground. Recently I read someplace that...
  2. tobyandbarb

    The Best Water Heaters?

    I only have 7 chickens so I use a large heated dog water bowl in the winter. Works great.
  3. tobyandbarb

    ~Poultry Photography Contest!~

    Where do we post our pictures?
  4. tobyandbarb


    I have four girls that were born in May of 2012. Three of them look just fine although I suspect they may be having a slow molt. The fourth girl looks wretched although all her daily activities are the same so I am assuming this is a normal molt. Is it usual for chicks the same age to molt so...
  5. tobyandbarb

    Free ranging in snow?

    I live in Western MA and this is my first winter with my 6 chicks. My sweetie is so enamored with our girls ( as am I) that he snowplows a path around the back of the house and across the front to the bird feeders so they can free range for a couple hours each day. They cannot wait till we...
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