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  1. Vyraal

    My new 3 day old chick has a strange umbilical cord thing!

    Just love him and pet him and let him pass in peace, its the only thing you can really do at this point. I give you my warmest regards sweetheart, im sorry this had to happen.
  2. Vyraal

    My new 3 day old chick has a strange umbilical cord thing!

    Chances are hes going to pass away, if he hasnt already, and im sorry about that, but not all chicks live. Thats just the sad truth. You can buy poly vi sol without iron at wal mart or any similar store in the pharmacy section, and im sorry for your ordeal. If you have any more questions feel...
  3. Vyraal

    My new 3 day old chick has a strange umbilical cord thing!

    Just for next time, you should /never/ pull something like that off, and it looks like just a big blood scab, shouldnt be too serious unless it ripped something internally or it gets infected or something. The black stringy thing was indeed an umbilical cord, and if he is being lethargic and...
  4. Vyraal

    Made my first Chicken Sweater Tonight... Photos and my free pattern

    It looks absolutely precious, and if youd be willing to ship it to me i would be ever so thankful! Should i pm you with my address/would you like anything in return?
  5. Vyraal

    Made my first Chicken Sweater Tonight... Photos and my free pattern

    Im guessing, since the sweater looks like it just fits over the chickens head and sits cozily on the body, she wont need to hold it in place with her 'wings'. It may tip and otherwise spin a little if she rolls around but otherwise it should stay fitted.
  6. Vyraal

    Made my first Chicken Sweater Tonight... Photos and my free pattern

    She is a half rhode island red half EE, but shes still nowhere near fullsize, shes very young. Our labrador ripped her right wing tendon muscle and bone almost completely off and left most of the left wing bone exposed, so in surgery to clean her up and such the surgeon decided it was best to...
  7. Vyraal

    people with house chickens

    Newbie to the thread here, i just recently, ie two days ago, had one of my poor babies promoted to house chicken. Its uncertain if she will survive, but she is being spoiled rotten. Ok heres the story. Three days ago my dog, who just had his balls chopped tonight, ripped my chicks right wing 90%...
  8. Vyraal

    Made my first Chicken Sweater Tonight... Photos and my free pattern

    As i cant crochet and one of my young girls just had to have both of her wings amputated, id be seriously interested in buying one of these sweaters for her if she survives through her entire medical treatment. Without wings i imagine it would be very hard to keep warm!
  9. Vyraal

    Baby BO seems to not have balance and chirps oddly (video)

    Good job! Im very glad to hear its doing better, sounds like youre doing everything just right if its already improving so much.
  10. Vyraal

    Baby BO seems to not have balance and chirps oddly (video)

    From the video, and my own personal experience, it does look like the chick is choking on something and struggling to breathe, but chirping because thats what chicks do. Gently massage its neck and crop to see if you can find a blockage, and if so, remove that awful bedding so the rest of the...
  11. Vyraal

    GIANT HEAD WOUND need help asap

    The stiffness is from the glue being in the place it is, right on the area where he bends, and yes i attempted to clean the wound a bit, boy did he hate that! Hes been eating some of the scratch i put in his temp home last night because i needed to sleep, so hes feeling at least a little better...
  12. Vyraal

    GIANT HEAD WOUND need help asap

    Dont have a vet locally that deals with chickens, but honestly he seems to be doing MUCH better than before, his large wound is sealed with superglue, and his smaller ones will be dabbed the neosporin like stuff i can remember the name of, and he tried to eat a little, but his neck is stiff and...
  13. Vyraal

    GIANT HEAD WOUND need help asap

    Thank you very much, hes actually doing a lot better now that hes alone in my room and a stable temp. Alert, but not active per say. WIll be letting him sleep in my room for his entire recovery, and hopefully he'll make it through all this. Yogurt and eggs seems to be the food of the day over...
  14. Vyraal

    GIANT HEAD WOUND need help asap

    Hey needed a catchy title sorry, my rooster has been shredded pretty badly and i need to know if theres anything i can do for him. Already super glued the wound shut and hes....ok, but i dont know what else to do.
  15. Vyraal

    New rooster, unknown issue

    Thank you all so very much! Hes getting along pretty alright so far, will make him some oatmeal right after i post this. I'll start putting vaseline or neosporin on his lesions and probably give him a damp towel bath, he really needs it; his last owners didnt give him the treatment he deserves.
  16. Vyraal

    New rooster, unknown issue

    Hes completely separated from the other chickens, i wouldnt dare get him close to them.
  17. Vyraal

    New rooster, unknown issue

    Hey again all, got a new roo and needed to know what the issue was for sure before i started treatment.
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