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  1. samcountrygirl

    Inquiring about prices for hatching eggs

    THANK YOU! I am keeping my eggs!! I checked a few sites most are out of stock for 2012 so didn't show prices. THANK YOU again now i have a ball park and wasn't taken for a fool. She wanted something for nothing gave my husband hell.
  2. samcountrygirl

    Inquiring about prices for hatching eggs

    We had a lady contact us and wanted 30 chick eggs for hatching. Not a problem took us a couple of day to collect them. She informed us she is only willing to pay $1.00/doz. We have not sold eggs for hatching before.
  3. samcountrygirl

    quail dropping like flies!

    I know how you feel we went out this morning and found 14, 2 month old quail dead i have no clue what happened, we had 3 die yesterday it is frustrating not knowing all the conditions are right for them. I'm glad to hear it is not just us. It seems like the more we hatch the more we lose at 1-2...
  4. samcountrygirl

    finally laying!!

    Thank you. I was very excited. she had been MIA for a few day we looked and looked for her. Husband found her under a pile of limbs with dead leaves covering her.
  5. samcountrygirl

    finally laying!!

    Our Peahen has finally started laying!! She is sitting on 3 eggs and we have 3 in the incubator, this is a first for us. will post pics when they hatch in a month. I"M EXCITED!!!!
  6. samcountrygirl


    we are still new ourselves . we have 25 of the little keets so no your not being greedy. this is the only color we have at the moment.
  7. keets


  8. momma hen

    momma hen

  9. momma hen

    momma hen

  10. guinea keets

    guinea keets

  11. samcountrygirl


    Great ! walmart has Ozark Trail 9x9 canopy tent on sale the cheapest i have found got ours last week. $ 49.97
  12. samcountrygirl


    Yes we will be there. we will Sell Quail and Guineas they are hatching as we speak. we started out with a doz quail. we will be under blue tent with black Ranger behind it. look forward to seeing you, Husband can answer any questions you have.
  13. samcountrygirl


    we are in Southampton county Va, In Courtland we have a variety of feathered friends. Chickens, Quail, Ducks, Doves, Guineas, Pheasants, Chukars, and Peafowl 4 dogs and 4 cats
  14. samcountrygirl

    New Arrival

    we have new babies 2 Mallard ducks, 3 RIR and 3 americanas from our local Tractor Supply they got them in today. We originally went in for a couple ducks and walked out with 6 more chicks. I am definitely chicken crazy.
  15. samcountrygirl

    humidity level

    Thank you!!!!
  16. samcountrygirl

    humidity level

    we just bought a new thermometer it also has humidity reader on it . my question is what is the level should the humidity be for the incubator
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