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  1. 6RandomBrownLayers

    Lethargic, Diarrhea, Thin, Not Roosting, What's Wrong?

    Hey Guys, So I have a Golden Comet hen that I've had since she was a chick, she's a little over two years old now, maybe two years and two months-ish. Anyway, I recently lost a chicken to what I assume was a fox attack as I've lost several birds to a fox(es) over the years, so I've kept the...
  2. 6RandomBrownLayers

    Hen pulling feathers

    I think that pecking at other chickens and pulling their feathers out can be a sign of boredom or the chicken is just aggressive. If they are in a confined space boredom is a possibility and if you put something that they can peck at, I have heard of people using heads of lettuce and I used a...
  3. 6RandomBrownLayers

    Rubber eggs!

    Good to hear everything worked out.
  4. 6RandomBrownLayers

    Rubber eggs!

    I don't know how old your birds are but my understanding is that newer layers tend to have to work out some kinks in thier systems. I'm not sure if molting has anything to do with it. You can try giving them some ground oyster shell which should be at your local Agway, Tractor Supply or feed...
  5. 6RandomBrownLayers

    Can I put these guys out yet?

    I have 6 chicks that are 4 weeks old. It seems like they have most of their feathers with some fluff still poking out but not a lot. They are outside now and it is about 58 degrees. They are not shivering but it will drop down to 45 tonight. They will be in a coop that is draft free. I was just...
  6. 6RandomBrownLayers

    Changing Coops

    Hi guys, I'm getting 6 new chicks next week and I am wondering if I should split them up when they are ready to go out to the coops and put 3 in one coop and 3 in the other or put the three currently in the smaller coop in with the 5 in the bigger coop (the three in the smaller coop are the...
  7. 6RandomBrownLayers

    Chicken Scratching in Nest Box and Making Her Toes Bleed

    So I put the chickens out this morning and began to clean the coops. One chicken from the other coop jumped in the nest box of the coop I was cleaning which is unusual because they usually get nervous/scared when I clean the coops and go somewhere else. She is just scratching with her feet in...
  8. 6RandomBrownLayers

    Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

    I think I have had the rooster question a few times but the worst was when I was with my dad. We were talking about chickens to one of his friends who told us someone she knew had chickens and got 2 eggs a day from each chicken. I just smiled and nodded, not wanting to be rude. Later in the car...
  9. 6RandomBrownLayers

    Two hens tried to lay, nothing. Everything alrgiht?

    Two of hens spent a decent amount of time in the nest today. Probably 15-20 min each. Just wondering if they are okay? One of the hens has had some trouble before but has been good recently. The other one has been flawless. Does the heat have anything to do with it? One more question, one of my...
  10. 6RandomBrownLayers

    Is this normal?

    Perfectly normal. I think I read somewhere that the world record for egg laying was 364 eggs in 365 days, so not even the best chicken lays everyday! It is normal to miss a day or two, especially when they have just started laying. She will most likely become more frequent and regular as she...
  11. 6RandomBrownLayers

    Predator Attack. Survivor with Some wounds. Tips to keep healthy and comfy.

    I have lost 5 birds in two weeks and thought I had lost another until she showed up this morning. There were feathers leading across the road and it wasn't looking good. Then this morning I see her in front of the coop waiting to go in. I was so relieved. She has a couple small wounds on her...
  12. 6RandomBrownLayers

    Survivor with small wounds. Tips to keep her healthy and comfy.

    I have lost 5 birds in two weeks and thought I had lost another until she showed up this morning. There were feathers leading across the road and it wasn't looking good. Then this morning I see her in front of the coop waiting to go in. I was so relieved. She has a couple small wounds on her...
  13. 6RandomBrownLayers

    Help Identifying Predator; Two Taken (Pics Included)

    Would it be safe to assume that when/if I get the fox that it is safe for my chickens to go out again? I haven't had any problems until now from when I started in September.
  14. 6RandomBrownLayers

    Help Identifying Predator; Two Taken (Pics Included)

    *Update* It has taken 3, I did a head count and I am missing two hens and a pullet.
  15. 6RandomBrownLayers

    Help Identifying Predator; Two Taken (Pics Included)

    So here's my story, and it's a weird one at that. A few days ago (probably Saturday) one of my chickens disappeared, I noticed she wasn't around on Sunday and couldn't remember seeing her the day before either. I look for feathers or a sign of a struggle and find nothing, not one feather...
  16. 6RandomBrownLayers


    Is it possible that the roo stole my other hen? If so will she come back or will I have to track her down?
  17. 6RandomBrownLayers


    I got my hens into the coop, they're safe. I was wondering if he was wondering over to get new hens and abducted mine? I thought it was a predator but I think she was taken during the day and I didn't find any predators. My hens free range all day but go into the coop at night. I don't want him...
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