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  1. lazypifarm

    Grand Prairie ordinance change

    As far as I can tell, the Grand Prairie chicken ordinances are the same, 150' from a residence, which is unworkable for most of us. Would anyone like to try again?
  2. lazypifarm

    Sexing Silkies!

    I'm pretty darn sure #1 is a rooster, which is a **** shame. I took a reeeeaally close look this morning, and he has pointed neck/hackle/saddle feathers. All signs point to "rooster." I'm just not sure on the other three. #2 has such a more feminine look about her body shape, which makes me...
  3. lazypifarm

    Sexing Silkies!

    My best bet on Lucy is "hen"!
  4. lazypifarm

    Sexing Silkies!

  5. lazypifarm

    15 Marans/Jersey Giant Cross Chicks, DFW Texas

    Hello! We have 15 chicks for sale, hatched just a week ago. These are from our Black Jersey Giant hens and a Blue Copper Marans rooster. We do have one Black Copper Marans hen, so one or two of these chicks might be pure Marans, but I sure can't tell the difference at this stage! They are all...
  6. lazypifarm

    Sexing Silkies!

    I have 4 Silkies that are evading identification. Let's start with the older ones, and you guys can give me your opinions as to whether I have girls or boys! First, a gray/blue/lavender/whatever. She (see, I'm being hopeful) is several months old, just about full size. #2 is a barred or...
  7. lazypifarm

    Young Hen and Her Bizarre Noise

    Thanks guys, I will give the olive oil a try! Their coop is fairly clean, and they spend most of their time free ranging in the pasture anyway. She didn't appear to have any signs of illness, no spots or anything, and other than that she acts normal. Hope it works!
  8. lazypifarm

    Young Hen and Her Bizarre Noise

    Hi everyone, I have a 5 month old Jersey Giant hen who has been making the strangest noise for the past several weeks. I felt along her throat, and it felt like she might have something caught in there, but I don't want to hurt her. What do you think? Sorry I couldn't get a video to load, I...
  9. lazypifarm

    Electrocuted Guinea Hen - Do We Eat This?

    A friend said "No, don't eat it because it died under stress and will have adrenaline and other lymph node stuff in it!" Is there any science behind this? Seems like most animals die under stress ...
  10. lazypifarm

    Electrocuted Guinea Hen - Do We Eat This?

    I decided to get in a little practice in butchering/processing, since I've never done it before and there's nothing at stake here. I tied it upside down by its feet over a double-bagged bucket with some kitty litter in the bottom and slit its throat (OH GOD). The blood is dripping but not...
  11. lazypifarm

    Electrocuted Guinea Hen - Do We Eat This?

    Ok, this is part sad, part frustrating, and part ... hungry? It's a confusing emotion. We have a flock of young guinea fowl, and they are about the stupidest creatures I have ever met. Our goat pasture has a 4' fence with 2 wires of electric - one high, one low, though that low one is high...
  12. lazypifarm

    Easter Egger: Please Be a Pullet

    Ooo, you know, that is true, she COULD lay brown. Thanks guys!
  13. lazypifarm

    Easter Egger: Please Be a Pullet

    This chicken is about 5 months old, and continues to baffle me. I'm normally pretty keen on being able to tell the difference between pullets and cockerels. This bird is almost as big as the adults, has not crowed that I know of, has not layed that I know of, and does not have any pointed saddle...
  14. lazypifarm

    Your gender/age guess...

    About a month old. Too young to know if it's a cockerel or a pullet yet.
  15. lazypifarm

    Possible Black Copper Maran hens?

    My BCM hen has a much bigger, redder comb and feathered legs. If they are BCMs, they are either from a clean legged line or they are crosses. I say wait until they lay; if their eggs are a beautiful chocolate brown, then they are BCMs! If they are not, then they are black sex links, who are not...
  16. lazypifarm

    Girl or boy?

    Alas, it's a rooster!
  17. lazypifarm

    DFW Area, Texas: Easter Egger, Black Jersey Giant and Barred Brahma Cockerels

    I looked into shipping. Since they're too big for chick boxes, I'd have to get a USPS approved animal crate, which would be cost prohibitive by itself. So sorry everyone, I cannot pay to ship them. They are pickup only now.
  18. lazypifarm

    DFW Area, Texas: Easter Egger, Black Jersey Giant and Barred Brahma Cockerels

    Hi! We have a few cockerels to rehome. They were essentially chick-shaped packing peanuts for an order of Jersey Giants. Now they are about 5 months old, and I need to get them off the feed bill! The barred Brahma (might not be purebreed) is very handsome, and looks like he's going to get big...
  19. lazypifarm

    hatchers hatcherers..... who's expecting peeps on septembre 24th or so... :)

    Holy cow! D8 I hope everything turns out ok, and that no one was hurt!
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