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  1. drumstyx

    What animal is this

    I had this happen to my ducks a few years ago. 2 were beheaded and dead in the yard and another one was gone. I was told a fox will kill as many as they can by beheading them, then come back for them and take them to another location. I was able to track the one that was missing into a culvert...
  2. drumstyx

    Egg Eating hens

    I had the same problem so I put golf balls and some cheep plastic easter eggs in all the nesting boxes. I find the plastic easter eggs out in the run area occasionally. I also check the boxes a few times a day if possible. So far I haven't had any eaten ones again.
  3. drumstyx

    Chicken 'Catnip'

    Mine are little garbage disposals. They will eat anything and everything. I love to throw grapes or cherry tomatoes in and watch them scramble and chase each other around.
  4. drumstyx

    Netting to cover top of chicken run

    I use all the bailing twine off of the hay I feed. I just start netting it from one side to the other. It has been great......lasted through heavy snow, 80 mile winds. Nothing has ever gotten in or out, easy to repair (although I've only had to tighten it up a couple times) and I feel good about...
  5. drumstyx

    Experienced horse people- I have an emergency -SHE"S DOING BETTER

    How is your baby doing today? Hope she is OK. I swear you could put horses in a padded stall and they could still find a way to get in trouble. My thoughts are with you.
  6. drumstyx

    Experienced horse people- I have an emergency -SHE"S DOING BETTER

    I would cold hose her the area (10-15 min.), bute, clean and dress wound but I agree I would not wap it. She sounds like she is just getting agitated in the stall so I agree with above post and would put her in a pen with room to move instead. Good Luck
  7. drumstyx

    Poor Hurt Lovie...

    I'm so glad she found someone to take care of her. I would use a diluted iodine (light tea color) and squirt it inside the puncture wounds. You want to make sure the wound heals from the inside out instead of closing up from the outside and trapping any infection causing an abscess. Sounds...
  8. drumstyx

    Veggie's for the flock ?

    check out this link
  9. drumstyx

    Looking for Winter Advice- What do you wish you had known

    I use a heat lamp in my coop and put the water inside. Make sure you put the lamp far away from the roosts.........I made the mistake of hanging one at a distance I thought was safe and ended up with 2 hens that burned their tails feathers off...very bad move, but luckily it was only the...
  10. drumstyx

    Hawks and Chickens....ideas?

    My run has an open top which I used the yellow caution construction ribbon zig zagged all over the top. I do plan on putting wire or mesh up before the snow hits, but so far it has kept the predators out. It's pretty bright and ugly but along with the flapping in the wind it has done a great...
  11. drumstyx

    This is the cool thing about chickens

    I live over a barn so when I walk out the door I am literally at work (lots of people, most of the time...a boarding facility). I have my garden spot tucked away, garden on one side and chicken coop and run on the other side. I go there to watch my chickens a lot during the day....great way to...
  12. drumstyx

    CHICK WITH BROKEN LEG NEEDS HELP ASAP......................

    One of my chickens broke her leg about 2 months ago. I used a syringe casing ( a large one), cut it in half, padded it with elastic-on to use as a splint. I used white tape to keep it on her leg - lightly wrap the leg with white tape, then around the splint a couple times. It worked...
  13. drumstyx

    broccoli and other foods

    My chickens love cottage cheese and plain yogurt mixed with any vegetables I have you have access to the dairy dept. as well.
  14. drumstyx

    When can they go in the coop???

    I just put my month old chicks in the run last week. I used a large metal dog crate, covered the top for shade and set it up so the little guys could get in/out but the older chickens couldn't get in. I used a cat carrier-which they "roosted" in for the first few nights-and I would put the...
  15. drumstyx


    Sounds like a great idea, but I don't think I could do the road kill thing. I manage a horse barn and have access to A LOT of manure. I'm wondering if that would work as well.......we do breed a huge amount of flies around here.
  16. drumstyx

    Anyone from Colorado?

    It is beautiful up there!!! I never had bear problems, although they were around the property, but once the fox figured out where an easy meal was it was a real problem. I did have trouble with hawks as well. I never had any problems with predators when I had my chickens in a run (not...
  17. drumstyx

    Anyone from Colorado?

    I did not insulate, I was going to at one time but honestly never got around to it and they seemed to do fine especially with the heat lamp. Sounds like yours will be fine for the winter. My biggest problem was keeping the water from freezing. I can now put it in the coop and place it on a...
  18. drumstyx

    Anyone from Colorado?

    I lived in Conifer for the last 6 years and my first coop was made from old pallets on a dirt floor. I would use old hay for floor bedding in the winter and a heat lamp at night. I built a bigger raised coop the last year I was up there and used a stall mat on the floor and shavings when it...
  19. drumstyx

    Morning trail ride Not for the faint of heart pic added. ;)

    Beautiful horses and I love the fact that both your husband and your daughter are wearing helmets.
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