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  1. Kelciesducks

    Help! Ducks webbing is torn

    They are free rangers so they don't have a cage anymore now that they're big enough. I know there is a snapper in the pond as well as lots of other kinds so it would be pretty hard to catch the snapper...the pond is a pretty good size as well. The webbing is torn between two toes and all the...
  2. Kelciesducks

    Help! Ducks webbing is torn

    I have 2 ducks (out of 4) that have webbing torn on their feet. I think it's a turtle chewing on them while they're swimming in the pond. Is there anything I can do about it?
  3. Kelciesducks

    Minnesota all-weather coops?

    This is our first summer with chickens...we plan on keeping them year round. I'd like to see other Minnesotan's chicken coop pictures please. I'm mainly interested to see what you other Minnesotan's are doing with your chickens over the winter. Pics would be great!!!
  4. Kelciesducks

    Pics of Saxony's at 2 months

    Out of the 5 Saxony's I started out with I have 3 left...the others got eaten by something :( Here they are at 2 months...they've grown so fast!!! (The white crested is 2 weeks younger)
  5. Kelciesducks

    What breed are these chicks? And can you tell what sex they are?

    no clue how old they wonder the lady just gave them to me. It will be interesting to see how they all turn out. lol
  6. Kelciesducks

    What breed are these chicks? And can you tell what sex they are?

    I got a few chicks this weekend from a gal that bought a bunch of fertile eggs and hatched them out. No clue what they are...can you help?
  7. Kelciesducks

    **Home made egg candler. Post your pics**

    thanks for the pics!!! anyone got more to share????
  8. Kelciesducks

    Homemade Candlers?

    Has anyone here made a homemade egg candler? If so I'd like to see a picture of how you did it. Otherwise please explain how you made it. Thanks I put 18 chicken eggs from various breeds in the incubator on May 15th so would like to candle them to see which/if any will hatch.
  9. Kelciesducks

    Please tell me this is a chicken...Banty chick...and not some other kind

    I know this may sound very strange but to make a long story short I picked up 1 chick monday night. The family I got it from have about 20 chickens (banty's and 1 silky rooster)...they roam between 2 different buildings and the yard. I don't know when it hatched but it was the only chick they...
  10. Kelciesducks

    My Cayuga Pair

    I wish I lived closer so I could take them. I love cayuga's!!! But I'm in Minnesota :(
  11. Kelciesducks

    Crest on my 3 week old white crested is GONE

    Bump....I'm really hoping someone here has some advice on what happened?????? PLEASE?
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