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  1. chickenherder

    What's wrong with their feathers?

    Now that is eggciting news! Way to go Julie! Quote:
  2. chickenherder

    Marans Thread for Posting Pics of Your Eggs, Chicks and Chickens

    Actually it might be more obvious than people want to admit. Does the rooster have straw hackles? Could be it's a Black Copper crossed with a Wheaten Marans somewhere along the line so no surprise at all. Quote:
  3. chickenherder

    Marans Thread for Posting Pics of Your Eggs, Chicks and Chickens

    Nice cuckoos, just love their striped socks! Quote: They are about 13 weeks old, still have a lot of growing to do yet.
  4. chickenherder

    The Sussex thread!

    What a pretty girl! Has she started laying yet? Quote:
  5. chickenherder

    The Sussex thread!

    Is there a way to tell at hatch if the chicks are indeed Coronation split or just Light Sussex? I hatched eggs from someone selling Light Sussex hens that were three weeks with a Coronation roo. Bradshaw and Braden line. It will be an awfully long time to find out if they are splits the old...
  6. chickenherder

    Marans Thread for Posting Pics of Your Eggs, Chicks and Chickens

    Just to clarify my post I was not asking why the APA isn't calling Black Copper Marans Brown Red. It was posted for those that might look at the French site standards and not know they are the same. Quote:
  7. chickenherder

    Marans Thread for Posting Pics of Your Eggs, Chicks and Chickens

    In case anyone missed it the APA discussion was revived the last few days over here. People seem to be perfectly happy with their mossy, cochin, straw hackled, black eyed birds they call Marans and if they have a breeder name attached that makes them even better, after all how can they not be...
  8. chickenherder

    Pictures of Possible APA Standard Marans Please...

    Or the heavily speckled? shown on the French site I think they add a lot of interest to the egg box and are different than the speckled wellie eggs adding even more variety but people don't seem to be entering these type of eggs. Love them all! Quote:
  9. chickenherder

    Pictures of Possible APA Standard Marans Please...

    That would be a show I'd be interested in attending! Quote:
  10. chickenherder

    Pictures of Possible APA Standard Marans Please...

    I keep reading on different forums about all this crossing that has gone on with Marans but nothing to back it up and it's starting to sound more like sour grapes. Who, what lines to be specific? Other than the Black Coppers probably mixed with Wheatens what are the crosses? I have all the dark...
  11. chickenherder

    Pictures of Possible APA Standard Marans Please...

    How will the APA make sure they get it correct and what is the rush? Will the standards be posted somewhere for final review and discussion/vote or is this all being decided by one club? Honestly I think three years is being optimistic, just take a look at the difference in the birds being...
  12. chickenherder

    Stolen Horse--Man is BACK in jail! Cost $40.00 US for single DNA Profile. $100.00 US for Parentage Verification (Both parents and offspring). Sample Collection Collect sample by pulling (not cutting) 20-30 mane or tail hairs with roots attached. It is important that you pull the...
  13. chickenherder

    Any Bee Keepers out there?

    Just amazing, I have bee envy
  14. chickenherder

    Any Bee Keepers out there?

    Has anyone built a top bar hive then painted it with beeswax/boiled linseed oil? Does it stay tacky and if not do you know the measurements of beeswax and boiled linseed oil that aren't tacky? Thanks!
  15. chickenherder

    Marans Thread for Posting Pics of Your Eggs, Chicks and Chickens

    You get more of the same problems we are already dealing with having straw colored hackles showing up on Black Copper Marans roosters and mossiness in the hens. Unless the proposed APA standard is changed to allow straw hackles it is not something you want if you are breeding to the French...
  16. chickenherder

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    David Hancox/blackdotte Genetics of Chicken Colours Quote:
  17. chickenherder

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Hey thanks so much Blackbird12 and Harry! I think this is the thread Harry referenced for anyone else that might be interested. PS, Harry I need some of those all lavenders! I only hatched splits last year! pipsnpeeps: He has some partridge genes..... Gary got his start in buffs from me and...
  18. chickenherder

    Stolen Horse--Man is BACK in jail!

    Could this be the best $100.00 spent to prove ownership? Parentage Verification (Both Suspected Parents and Offspring) $100.00 US
  19. chickenherder

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Can anyone help me sort out these three? Buff ameraucana hatched on 4/16, one has been darker than the other two since hatch but is feathering in buff. I asked the breeder about it but I never got a reply and am wondering if their color is correct? Two pullets and a roo wishful thinking...
  20. chickenherder

    Cull or not? Copper (no copper) Splash Marans young roo, around four m

    Think it's the period at the end of the link. I'd keep him around for a while. Quote:
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