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  1. chicken quartet

    Wyndottes not laying yet

    I have a GLW that hatched early May of last year. She still isn't laying!!
  2. chicken quartet

    And Easter egg but Not fm an EE! (Pic)

    That's neat! My 3 year old DD just asked me if it had a band aid on!
  3. chicken quartet

    Free shipping coupon code for, ended by Jan 21, Wed.

    I'm so glad you posted this!! I've been thinking about placing an order for a few days now. I'm glad I didn't!
  4. chicken quartet

    The weather and how you are dealing with it.

    Well the only way I'm dealing with the weather is by turning off my heater and putting on shorts! It's been in the 80's here for a week now! I can't imagine living were it actually gets below 60 during the day. I'd freeze!
  5. chicken quartet

    Wyondotte Breed Questions

    I just sold 3 of my hatchery Wyandottes. 1 GLW and 2 SLW. They were all VERY flighty and super hard to catch. In fact, you should have seen my husband sprinting around our yard Monday morning trying to catch the last one! It was hilarious! I have 1 GLW left that I got from a breeder and she...
  6. chicken quartet

    Rooster or Hen can anyone help

    I must know where you live to have wild lories??? Please let us know!!
  7. chicken quartet

    When do Wyandottes start to lay?

    I have a 33 week old GLW and she still isn't laying!
  8. chicken quartet

    A proud Missouri Man

    Nice pic! Those old photos sure are neat!
  9. chicken quartet


    My Barred Rock pullet FINALLY laid an egg!!!! She started squatting on Jan 1st. I new something was up today because she was over by the coop cackeling her head off. I checked and there was nothing. But I saw her walk back in and go in the nest. She sat there for a while and when...
  10. chicken quartet

    I sold my chickens because........ (fill in the blank)

    Because they keep pooping all over the patio!
  11. chicken quartet

    Will my silkie ever lay?

    I have a silky/cochin cross and she hatched in April. No eggs from her either. I'm beginning to think she'll never lay an egg either. LOL
  12. chicken quartet

    Anyone buy stuff you see on TV?

    "I don't know? It sells itself!" LOL
  13. chicken quartet

    YAY First green egg today!

    I'm so jealous! I have 8 hens that hatched July 16th and still NOTHING!!
  14. chicken quartet

    what do you like about the various rocks, buff orpingtons, astrolorps?

    I love my Barred Rocks! They are the absolute friendliest of all my birds. They are always the first to come over and the only ones to actually jump up and want to see you. I don't have any BO or BA though so I can't compare.
  15. chicken quartet

    How long from the squat...

    Tomorrow it will be 7 days then. It's my Barred Rock and RIR that are doing the squatting. I also have another Barred Rock, 2 SLWs, 1 GLW, 2 EE, that are all the same age as the other 2 (all hatched in July) but none of the others are squatting. Then I have a GLW and a banty silkey/cochin...
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