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  1. Apatedolos

    show me ur food/ water dishes

    Oooooh thanks guys! I get it now.
  2. Apatedolos


    Thanks a bunch quailladyofftmeyers! mochicken you are just being to silly I hope my quailies live to 7 years, i luv them so much already!
  3. Apatedolos


    i had to ask to. the stickies are a bunch of info at the top of the front quail page. really good stuff. I learned alot reading them. it answered so many questions i have about taking care of my quailies snowflake and Pat.
  4. Apatedolos

    Coturnix males - do they ever stop crowing?

    Im glad my 2 are girls then. My mom wouldn't be happy if they made alot of crowing in the house ha-ha. My 2 quailies sound like little crickets when they are happy
  5. Apatedolos


    Oh onewithquail and bfrancis, that is soooo mean. I know some people eat them i guess but it doesn't seem right that you would a happy dance Im glad to know that there little feets don't hurt to atleast. and they can be happy up until the end.
  6. Apatedolos

    How to Vent Sex Coturnix

    ha-ha ithought one of mine was a boy because it was doing boy things but then they both laid a egg! I got 2 girls yea! but i named one Pat because it didn't know it was a girl guess you could wait to see if it lays an egg then you would know for sure.
  7. Apatedolos

    can I feed a coturnix pheasant feed?

    Thanks a bunch! I had my mom read some of the comments to get the right stuff and she went and got some today. She was mad because it cost more than the cat food ha-ha. I had to go look it is 28% protien that says its for quails and turkeys and pheasants. thanks so much for all your help in...
  8. Apatedolos

    So i think my hubby has gone crazy!!! he bought me Quail??? a whole pen of them. what to do?

    Oooooh new quailies! how fun. i used to feed cat food because thats what the pet store guy told me, but alot of people here have said no way. i had my mom go find some of that gamebirds starter now. boy was she mad because it costs more than catfood but my quailies really like it! im glad you...
  9. Apatedolos

    Quail Diapers

    A really neat guy named mochicken says he can make them. i'm going to get a pink and a green pair from him. I think its really good that you are going green and recycling! I wish more people would.
  10. Apatedolos


    Well thank you! maybe we can learn about the little quailies together. Do you know there are stickies here? someone told me the first day i was here and they tell you a bunch of stuff about careing for your quails. i have learned so much!
  11. Apatedolos

    show me ur food/ water dishes

    That was really nice of you Mibotsu to show pictures of your things. i got a qestion tho do those really, really tall feeder thingys that have red bottoms and white tower things, fall over and hurt the quailies when you fill it out all the way up? It looks so wobbley.
  12. Apatedolos

    Setting MORE eggs on the 6th

    Oh me too! they are so pretty!
  13. Apatedolos

    show me ur food/ water dishes

    This is sad no one has answered you. i'm still new here but i just use small glass dishes from the cabinet. my quailies do make a mess sometimes though so i keep a towel under where they eat. Its funny when they get in the food dish and and splash out all the food with there wings. I say no no...
  14. Apatedolos

    can I feed a coturnix pheasant feed?

    Maybe someone else will know to. The guy at the pet store said iams kitten food is the best it just has to be crushed up. my quailies seem to like it a lot. Thanks a bunch for answering tho!
  15. Apatedolos

    Ate their feet off!!!

    ha-ha, ok. this just sounds silly but i believe you.
  16. Apatedolos


    Sweet! can you make in them in different colors to? I think Snowflake would look good in pink, maybe flowers. but Pat would have to have something green. I don't thinks she likes girlie colors, ha-ha.
  17. Apatedolos


    Since there all birdies, couldn't they just live together? That way the chickens could keep the quail warm at night.
  18. Apatedolos

    † Quail Breeders Club †

    I only have 2 quailies but this looks like a fun thread can I join too?
  19. Apatedolos

    My Christmas day Bob chicks are sick and cant figure out illness

    She seems real nice. she answered some of my questions today.
  20. Apatedolos

    can I feed a coturnix pheasant feed?

    I just read this whole thread and have question. I bought my quails at a pet store and the guy there told me to just crush up cat food to feed my quails. Will that work or do I need to find another food for my quailies? do I need to find bugs and stuff to feed them too? Thanks a bunch!
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