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  1. cwcochran1961


    Had chickens for years. Other than a dog attach twice last year never any problems. This last batch of chicks have I believe come down with. Cocci. Called the breeder I use who is very good and state regulated. Anywho. Called him. Got the chicks started on corid. One perked right up. One who was...
  2. cwcochran1961

    Looking for Bantam or Standard Gold Laced Cochin Pair in Virginia

    We are looking to replace the Gold Laced Cochin pair we recently lost in a neighbors dog attach. We are not going to breed or sell, just our pets, but still would like good quality birds. email or pm me. I know it will be more than a dollar, but had to put in a price. Thanks so much
  3. cwcochran1961


    I hope to find out how this goes within a day or two, as the chicks are due anytime. i have noticed that momma is getting very testy when even I come around her lately. so we shall see.
  4. cwcochran1961


    Thank you! You answered my question perfectly. That is exactly what I thought would happen
  5. cwcochran1961

    DOGS! UGH!!!

    I was mortified that the owner did that! I begged him not too. He claimed it was because his dog killed all of his chickens as well.This man just doesn't care about anything animal wise except his cows. I agree some people are not suited to won dogs or animals of any kind. Its was not the dogs...
  6. cwcochran1961

    DOGS! UGH!!!

    Originally Posted by Gumiho I don't understand the "responsible / exceptional" neighbor comments. Honestly, both neighbors are anything but. Both were irresponsible, both have no business owning dogs, and both dogs (and the OP's chickens) are the ones paying for the owners' short-comings...
  7. cwcochran1961


    Hello everyone. I have a question. I have a little Cochin hen who has "gone Settin" as my DH says. She was sitting on about 21 eggs. too many for such a small girl. So anyway the eggs count under her is now down to 9. Ive been candling them, I've got some growth, some movement etc. So I'm just...
  8. cwcochran1961

    DOGS! UGH!!!

    I have read for a long time about peoples problems with dogs attacking their chickens. Well it finally happened. Two different neighbors and two different dogs came in an attacked my flock in my yard at the same time.. Unfortunately for me , we came home at the end of the attack with the...
  9. cwcochran1961

    allergies or viral

    Hey everyone, I've posted similar topic before but could not locate that thread. I got lots of wonderful advise so.. hopefully I will this time. Several weeks maybe a month ago I posted that one of my hens started with a cough. No mucus no nasal discharge just a cough. So I bought some tylan 50...
  10. cwcochran1961

    Scent-based repellents

    LOL ! I had to look that up!
  11. cwcochran1961

    Would this be enough?

    Meat? Really?
  12. cwcochran1961

    My plan to improve how I care for my flock

    yeah not a good idea with the hawks, they will get your birds. Ive lost two from those buggers!
  13. cwcochran1961

    Roo Trouble: HELP

    Im no expert but I think you need more hens or less roosters. your hens will be overworked by those roos
  14. cwcochran1961

    Overly Aggressive Rooster

    There is no such thing as a "good" Mean rooster. If he cant mind his manners and realize his place, then he needs to go. I gave my young rooster two chances. After the third time he got aggressive with me, he was gone. Any animal will continue to get meaner if they are allowed to.
  15. cwcochran1961

    My plan to improve how I care for my flock

    Try to get them as high protein feed as possible to promote feather growth. made a huge difference in mine almost immediaely. I also realized that DH was feeding them to much bread and it was affecting the amount of good nutritious feed they were getting. I mix laying crumbles from Southern...
  16. cwcochran1961

    My plan to improve how I care for my flock

    My birds were looking the same as yours. I did have a very aggressive rooster, who we re-homed. I treated them for mites which I did not see but suspected. Then I began to give them treats of the Black Oil Sunflower seeds daily, and any other thing with high protein, since feather picking is due...
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