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  1. dandefrancis

    Dirt floor vs. raised wooden floor coop construction

    We are in the process of designing and building a new coop for our flock of 20 birds. I see some coops that are raised off the ground with a wooden floor and some that have no other floor inside but the dirt itself and are built directly on the ground with only the four walls and the roof of...
  2. dandefrancis


    I have purchased my FIRST pair of peafowl approx. one month ago and have kept them pinned up inside an old corn crib to get them used to our farm. My question, when can I start to turn them out? What is some of the favorite foods I can put out to keep the birds 'home' and make it less likely to...
  3. dandefrancis


    Just wondering, do male peacocks flogg people like some roosters do? I am considering owning a pair, have never owned them before and generally know very little about them. Are peafowl people friendly even when purchased as adults, or should I get young ones? Just a note, mine will be free...
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