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  1. leela2012

    Chronic Vent Prolapse - Can she live like that?

    Our 3 year old Bantam Mille Fleur is having prolapse issues. She didn't lay at all last year and hardly anything before that, and now all of a sudden she is trying every day. It seems she eventually lays one egg every 3 days or so, once she can get it out, but all the while her prolapse is...
  2. leela2012

    Chick caught in rat trap-leg broken!!

    My 9 week old Orpington got caught in a rat trap today :( her leg is definitely broken and her foot is purple and cold. I don't know how long she was stuck since I was at work. I am devastated as I'm sure she is also. I gave her some baby aspirin and splinted her foot/leg with a bent to shape...
  3. leela2012

    Wry Neck , 3-4 week old Polish chick!!!!

    Thank you so much! Right now I am giving her the vitamins in a tiny a tiny bit of mash.That is the only way I get her to eat it. It's so traumatizing trying to hold her and force feed it. I also have the chick saver stuff in the water and add some more poly vi sol in the regular food just for...
  4. leela2012

    Wry Neck , 3-4 week old Polish chick!!!!

    Help! We got these chicks at just a few days old and now our little polish has wry neck, she isn't completely twisted yet, she is more like tilting her head to the side and walking in circles. she also looks like she's walking crooked and spazzes out when I try to touch her, and falls over. She...
  5. leela2012

    Hen having trouble walking!

    She was on medicated chick feed until they were about 3 months old. She has been having this yellowish poo for al least a week. What is gout? Her feet don't look swollen at all, but what worries me is she won't eat anything! I made eggs, yogurt, mash, worms!!!! Nothing. She only drinks. I'm so...
  6. leela2012

    Hen having trouble walking!

    This is her drinking lifting her left leg, and her just sitting.
  7. leela2012

    Hen having trouble walking!

    Hi, thanks for the help. So I took some more pics, right now there is no discharge, no egg felt inside, no curled toes. However, when I make her walk she limps and kind loses her balance. She went limping to the water but won't eat. Her abdomen is not swollen or hot. She seems kind of lethargic...
  8. leela2012

    Hen having trouble walking!

    I have a little Mille Fleur girl, about 1.5 year old. She recently stopped laying and eating. Now she won't walk. She has had the Marek's vaccine also. I pick her up and she just sits down. Kind of wobbly. She won't walk around for anything. She is negative for worms and no lice/mites. Her crop...
  9. leela2012


    @LOLchick, I agree. If I had only knew.... I would have also not done this. Not that I don't love them, but Jeeze!!!!!! Taking more poo on to be tested. More friggin $$$$! If I still get no answers, I'm just done. Whatever happens, happens! This stress is totally unnecessary. Thanks Mg15! I'll...
  10. leela2012


    I have already posted many times about this to no avail..... Any help is greatly appreciated! I have 3 hens that are sick. I took one in to the Avian vet 1.5 weeks ago for watery diarrhea and vomit. She was losing weight and had fly strike. They cleaned her up and gave her Baytril. The vet...
  11. leela2012

    Hen with wet butt, and greenish poop! Help!

    Thanks so much for such great info :) You're very kind ;)
  12. leela2012

    Hen with wet butt, and greenish poop! Help!

    I am ordering some ProBios now :) I am trying to call the vet to see if they can get me something antibiotic..... or the feed store.
  13. leela2012

    Hen with wet butt, and greenish poop! Help!

    Thank you so much realsis! Ok so I have Keifr that I put in their food and made some mash out of it. I also got some pumpkin seeds and ACV to mix in the food. I made them a wet mash for 2 days in a row now and she is no better. This is really starting to freak me out. You'd think with all these...
  14. leela2012

    Hen with wet butt, and greenish poop! Help!

    I have a 1 yo hen who is having some pretty bad wet butt (feathers all around butt are wet with white residue). Every time I pick her up she squirts out a clear watery fluid. I have been watching her poop and it's also very watery, sometimes "spongy" and seafoam greenish. We lost a hen last year...
  15. leela2012

    Hens abandoned duck eggs after chicks hatched! HELP!

    Hey guys, update. So here is what I tried so far..... I put them in a box, put a light, thermometer, wet sponge, and covered it. Left vent holes, but couldn't get the temp exact. I am now becoming obsessed. I didn't ask for the duck eggs, our friend gave us a bunch of chicken eggs from her farm...
  16. leela2012

    Hens left duck eggs after chicks hatched. HELP!

    Thank you so much! To clarify, yes the hens were laying on the eggs, and the only unhatched were the 2 ducks eggs. They do sit from time to time, but the eggs are not really warm any time I have gone out to check them. I will try to keep them at these temps and follow your instructions and see...
  17. leela2012

    Hens abandoned duck eggs after chicks hatched! HELP!

    Ok so our hens were sitting on some eggs, 2 were duck eggs. They hatched 3 days ago and the hens aren't really sitting much anymore. I have gone outside a few times and the eggs are cold. I candled them and the babies are still alive inside. I put them in a box with a heat lamp yesterday during...
  18. leela2012

    Hens left duck eggs after chicks hatched. HELP!

    Ok so our hens were sitting on some eggs, 2 were duck eggs. They hatched 3 days ago and the hens aren't really sitting much anymore. I have gone outside a few times and the eggs are cold. I candled them and the babies are still alive inside. I put them in a box with a heat lamp yesterday during...
  19. leela2012

    Are my eggs dead?

    I re-did it! There are 10 that are little moving embryos!! 2 of them are the ducks! Yay!!! I'm so happy!!!! The flashlight made all the difference!!! I can't wait to see those little peepers!!!
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